***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Is it related to CNYU and Sophie Davis bs/md program case mentioned on other site ?

Hello. I have been following this forum closely. Wondering if there are any REMS accepted students out there, or alternates?
I don’t see this program mentioned often, must be due to small numbers???


Please dont overreact
 I dont think @grtd2010 is intidimidating anyone
 these guys are doing a great service to parents or students who are in the process of applying for BSMD and many got benefitted including me. iMy daughter has low stat and we applied to BSMD because of these guys and she got one. If you or your friend doesnt want to answer any of their question, which these guys think it is beneficial for others, then DONT answer.

If you search a few years back threads, there were a few posts about REMS. Even this year some on mentioned UOR IIRC. You can search University of Rochester.


Based on my not so sound memory at this age, your D was not a low stat by any means or measure but a star in her own right.

To be fair to the teens here, we as adults should be sensitive to their feelings, so going forward that won’t discourage them from sharing their details and opinions here or on the results thread.


Before visiting this site and hearing you guys feedback on chances, we were not even planning to apply to BSMD thinking that the stat was too low
 Many like us, got hope and learned about many programs and encouraged to apply
 A big THANK YOU to all of you


Please take a step back and relax.

One reason this forum is useful is because people share their perspectives - the good, the superb and in-between.

Let’s all be respectful of everyone - students of adults and adults of students - and move on.

Enough posts about relax and chill :smile: Let’s move back to regular programming.

I believe so, but for sake of that kid let’s not discuss the details.

Going back to taking gap years as the biggest indicator of traditional path failure, I came across a profile on SDN, a russian student with 3.95 GPA from a small school decided to take 4 gap years (even though he got 524 MCAT after one gap year) to get good service and other experiences. Joined peace Corps, did research and got clinical experience. He said he didn’t care about losing few years salary because of gap years. He got 10 T20 interviews but couldn’t attend all because he is poor. Out of 11 interviews he attended he got 7 acceptances and WL at the other four.

Only few students come back and share in details and offering to help future applicants. What a contrast between his post and what we witnessed last two days here!

Hi all
Rice undergrad Vs WashU undergrad. I have acceptance from both (not BS-MD). What should I accept if I want to pursue medicine ? Which school will improve my chances ?

The school you think you may shine during UG.

@DroneFly - Congratulations on Rice/WashU offers!

You can’t go wrong with either. Both are excellent schools and you can be successful at both.

@PPofEngrDr said this really well. Which one do you like? Hope you will attend accepted student sessions (online for now) for both colleges? or find current students to get their opinion?

I also found this “rice vs. washu” discussion. perhaps you will find it useful?

Wish you the very best!

What major(s) are you interested? Look at those majors requirements. If you know what kind of research you want to do? If so, look for those opportunities. You can even reach out to PIs. Look for what kind of ECs/clubs you want to do or involve. Basically, there is no simple answer :smile: Both are great schools.

Houston is very humid, for that one reason my S didn’t apply. Didn’t apply to WashU because we were not willing send him to St. Louis at his age and felt BS/MD program requirements are ridiculous.

Both equally difficult. Would not suggest either.

Again, people do who gap years end up being stronger applicants. They do it for their benefit. An UG with gap year(s) are often preferable to BS/MD. They perform better.

I am interested in any major that will help me do the Pre-med requirements mostly as part of the major. At Rice the BioChemistry and Kinesiology major are popular among kids who land up in medicine. WashU I don’t know.

This is for Traditional route that i am asking the question. I was on this forum for BSMD and did not get into any BSMD. But probably because something in my application and my stats I got into undergrad for Rice and undergrad for WashU.

The people on this forum have been very knowledgeable so thought of posting about my delimma here.

Hi everyone, I am a sophomore and a future applicant, and I had a question. Is it possible to apply ED for BSMD programs? If so, how does that work?

See if this what you are looking for https://www.aamc.org/system/files/2019-10/2019_FACTS_Table_A-17.pdf