***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

And thank you @Nvidia20 for your comment on the results thread! I have heard orgo is a tough one from some friends at NU, I’ll be sure to look out for it :slight_smile:

@BSMD2027 - Congratulations! on your 9 BS/MD acceptances and one “under consideration”. I salute you for your hard work. In my opinion, this is the most important ingredient for success.

Wish you the very best!

Well said! And some boomers never grow up and hence the famous term in urban dictionary “Man Child” LOL!!!


@texaspg @skieurope

I would like to report @grtd2010 for not playing by the rules of the forum. He is harassing and intimidating teens and making them feel unwelcome. Please step in as champions.

@sammyGA I followed forum rules. Do not express your opinion as a fact. There is no truth in this. It is a public forum and every one is welcome. If some one is uncomfortable about his/her SAT scores or Other stats or ECs, one should not put that information in the public domain. It was posted by the poster in bsmd 2020 result thread.

All bs/md applicants if you put your stats/ECs etc in public domain, it is no more private and available to all to view.

@GoldenRock You have been a great source of information about so many bs/md programs. If some one were to get all this information from a private consultant, it would easily cost several thousand dollars.

People need to get a life.

People post and then edit a minute later to be even more profound.

Just chill everyone!!!

I usually type fast and end up with typos which need edits to correct.
It is true, sometimes something relevant may cross the mind after the posting which also needs editing to append to the original.

No you don’t need to transfer to engineering or vice versa to do courses across the schools relevant to your field. For example if you intend to major in Biology it may benefit to expand your horizons by enrolling in the cutting edge Molecular engineering or Bio engineering courses there. And perhaps minor too.

While some folks believe that whatever is posted on the web is public domain and open for whatever commentary, I want to point out a paragraph from the rules of this forum.

As a parent/adult do not make teens feel unwelcome or uncomfortable…

If someone does not want to elaborate due to privacy reasons do not push them and question their intelligence or personal characteristics.

This is a snippet from the rules found by clicking the link at the bottom of the page.

General Behavior Our forum is expected to be a friendly and welcoming place, and one in which members can post without their motives, intelligence, or other personal characteristics being questioned by others. Members who post in a manner that makes other members unwelcome or uncomfortable, or who conduct themselves in a manner in any way detrimental to the College Confidential community, will lose posting privileges. Also, please do not use an offensive or inappropriate avatar image or user name; we reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to change any avatar or user name that we deem to be offensive or inappropriate.

Seeming to get off topic.
Thank you to everyone, it is truly remarkable how much time some of you have put in to help applicants. All opinions are valuable, as they may be applicable to some readers, and differing opinions will be applicable to other readers.
I have been reading this year’s and previous years’ posts to get a general feel for what people on these boards think and have experienced.
Some times my heart breaks for those who have not gotten into any BS/MD or BA/MD programs. I hear the desperation and sadness in your posts. I sometimes want to post something but feel like I should stay off these boards, but with times as they are now, maybe it’s a good time to say that from my experience, BS/MD or BA/MD will put you at a disadvantage in the long term, generally speaking. If you are on these boards, I think you will be ok. Those who take a gap year after med school are often doing it to their benefit. Remember that getting into medical school is not the end game. Those who have gone the regular UG route will be stronger applicants for residency programs, which is the true ultimate goal. Those of you who have posted that they have forgone their BS/MD will understand they benefit they are receiving and will be stronger applicants when it comes time for residency. I know I will get attacked by some, especially those with a vested interested and that’s ok. You can have your opinion and I can voice mine. I truly hope the best for everyone who reads this. My impetus is to let those who did not get in know that they will be fine, and come out stronger on the back end.

never tried but see if link, What Doesn’t Kill You (Makes You Stronger), makes a difference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X0wChyUBpQ

@BSMD2027 I’m kind of confused by “Disregarded by SUNY because ACPHS forwarded first.” Does it mean that since you were forwarded to SUNY by ACPHS, you were rejected by the other feeder schools?

@sammyGA – I hear your plea for help and justice for your friend, @walter2020 . I also admire your helping nature.

You might feel that we (adults) are not hearing or understanding you…
Please believe me that we do hear you. We only wish the very best for you and hope others/younger kids will learn from your experience.

Some of us are parents of kids same age as you and some others have kids’ a little older than you. We are of a different generation and most of us grew up in different countries and bring with us our old values/ideas that we grew up with. We are here to share our perspective, life lessons with the younger generation hoping they will benefit from us.

Just remember for future - Every time anyone questions you, they are infact giving you an opportunity to grow and improve and become even more successful!

You both have worked very hard and now it is time to enjoy your success and celebrate with your families. Just relax and enjoy these months with near & dear before you leave for college to begin a new chapter in your lives.

All the best and Good Luck for future!

Not rejected by other feeder schools. Once SUNY gets hold of the application from the first feeder school, they automatically disregard or not consider you from any other feeder school. They do not let you choose the undergrad you want to attend. For example, in my case even though RIT forwarded my application albeit later than ACPHS, I was representing ACPHS during the interview. They did not let me choose RIT even though I was selected to SUNY UPSTATE.

Also thanks to everybody for your wishes.

@GoldenRock , Thank you

As I mentioned earlier, given that the student is smart enough to get into the program, they will be a top a student at the school. I believe anyone smart enough to get into a bs/md program should have no problem getting into medical school, regardless of whether they choose that path or the traditional path. They will have no problem maintaining that gpa. Also, you fail to see that the average gpa of a matriculated student into the UCF medical school is a 3.81. You have to look at the numbers in respect to that schools average scores.

The short answer is every feeder school may have a different set of questions they would want you to answer. If you apply via common app, it will have it’s own supplemental for a few feeder schools to NJMS(e.g. NJIT and TCNJ). In general work on a general theme - why medicine?, why this bs/md program ? Show your passion and maturity in answering these questions IMO. For common app, you may have to write separate essays (not related to bs/md programs) for each school you apply to.

The difficult part may be MCAT 514 score . A few posts on CC have mentioned that.


If you have MADE a decision about your college/ program, please withdraw from other programs. For programs with a waitlist, this may help a fellow student.

If you have not decided, you have till May 1 to decide.