***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***


There is no data or study to back up @TexasTiger2 ’s statement that BS/MD is the worst route.

It is an unsubstantiated claim and frankly misleading.

I don’t think it matters. Go wherever you get the highest GPA.


Sorry misunderstood your earlier post.

I agree choose an undergrad that prepares you for med school even in BS/MD programs.

That’s why I tell folks to avoid W&J/Temple, for example. W&J just does not do justice to such high caliber students.

Totally agree. But if my kid got into Yale, Columbia, UPenn and Stanford I would advise my kid to take the BS/MD route because it’s likely they won’t be getting into med school otherwise. ?

This. High caliber students are selling themselves short.


If you go UPenn undergrad, assuming you survive the weed-out classes, there is a 24% chance you will NOT get admitted to any medical school even after 2 gap years.

In Rice, about 10-15% of pre-med undergrads (who have survived the weed out classes) do NOT get into any medical school.

Check the data!

So yes, you can laugh all you want because you are making statements which are not backed by data.

I have never said to attend those schools. Too hard to get a high GPA. People should go somewhere easier. I have responded previously to not go to Rice.

Do you know what type of medical schools these physicians attended i.e. merit based schools or low tier private schools which require big donation to management?


Wow -
Are you saying students going to HPME or Penn/Jeff or NJIT/NJMS or Case or Rice/Baylor or URochester or FAU or PLME or AMC are selling themselves short ?

Wow !
Wow !
Wow !

I need to check if weed is legal in my state.

Check you own post #6222.


What are you implying?

I just want people to know that if you go the UG route, you will be fine. Enjoy college, meet people, go to football games (whenever they come back), know what a broken heart feels like, make the hard decision to have to stay home and study while your friends go out, maybe enjoy the Greek life, study abroad, study for the MCAT, struggle, learn time management, go shopping for a nice interview suit, figure out how to study, apply, interview while still in school, help someone in need while volunteering, show up to the lab to get that research paper done and maybe travel to a national meeting to make that presentation, lose several nights’ sleep over that test, broken heart, interview, prep for that interview, knowing you will have to do it again for residency, fellowship and job. Whew. What a story. And you did it all because you wanted to be a physician. You can do this!

Nope. Nothing in 6222 says to go to Rice. In fact, saying the opposite, that one will have a hard time getting in to med school. Post #6133, saying to not go to either Wash U or Rice.

Ok I’ll play.
You don’t know what some of these applicants are capable of. So yes, maybe. And are you insulting the other programs that you did not list? Nice.
And, finally, the end game in all of this is developing someone who will become a good physician. Everything I said in #6230 is part of this development. Remember what this career is about? The patient.

Not every physician thinks same way. For some only money defines the success. I noticed those who went to top tier schools tends to see prestige of schools differently.

when did Penn/Jeff became top tier BS/MD program?

Matchlist for NJMS 2020… surprised to see many T20 residencies…


Most of the matches are regional. Anyone know how BSMDs did?

Yes, that is the question that needs to be answered. How do those people do? We need data from entire classes at different institutions in different areas of the country.

Fellow members - Can we give up on this topic? This discussion has gone ridiculously long.

We live in a democratic country and therefore everyone has a right to their opinion. We should respect each other inspite of our differences especially because of them because life will be boring without anyone challenging our way of thinking!

I have noticed that not many students are venturing to this forum or posting their results in BS MD results forum although this is the decision time. I hope we have not scared the kids/teens away!