***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***


They have to take minimum 12 honors classes to complete honors program. My daughter is a freshman in BSMD program. She had 68 college credits to begin with, which allowed her to take organic chem and calc 3 (dreaded courses as she says) in first semester. the biggest class size doesnt go beyond 50 kids and they have multiple classes for the same topic. All classes are very small like a private school.

if you belong to honors college your have to get 10 points more compared to regular kids in the curve for an A. or sometime the whole course could be a honors course. Organic chem is manageable if you work hard but Calc 2/3/linear algebra/diffeq will be very challenging. There are some good and bad professors like any other colleges. Sometimes, it is better to start slow with 101 courses during your first semester to get understanding of the college before taking challenging courses and how to pace it.They encourage BSMD kids to take advance courses right away which is wrong IMO.

Most of the kids doesnt find time because of their course work load, ECs and research. Kids do go to NYC once in a while during weekend for fun. The area is very safe, i go to NJIT every weekend to bring my daughter back and see police cars in every corner of street in and around the campusā€¦ Honors college dorm is the best i had ever seen among all the schools i visited and it is newly built. Another biggest advantage is kids doesnt have to spend lot of time between dorm-classes-dining hall-outside foodā€¦ everything takes less than five min.

NJIT has everything to build pre med resume right from all med related ECs, shadowing, serving under served community, research, etc. My daughter mentioned couple of senior kids got NJMS and Emoryā€¦ honestly, i am not sure how many matriculate to medical school but my daughter keep saying that most of the kids in honors college are very smart and they came with high stats.

Wherever you go, at the end, it is in kids hand to make it. If he/she has the will to make it, NJIT has all the amenities. NJIT is also moving up ranks in the last few years. i say this because the university is spending lot of money on campus and research. This school will challenge your kid as any other top school to keep the perfect GPA.

I would like to suggest picking Trinity or Rice if that works out!

Good Luck with Rice. Hope things work out for your S.

Itā€™s clear that, Trinity University with the full ride is a great option. Your S probably has a chance to excel there and with the research opportunities, it may be easier to build a strong profile for applying to MD.

Although NJIT is good, I totally understand your concerns, considering NY/NJ is the epicenter for COVID-19. You probably donā€™t have to worry since they may not open the colleges for on-site classes until everything is resolved.

My close family friendā€™s son is doing the BS/DMD program from NJIT/Rutgers. He is studying at the NJIT Albert Dorman Honors College currently. He likes the program and the college very much. Although it is tough, my friendā€™s son has been able to maintain near perfect GPA so far. So it is definitely doable.

All these options seem good - Your S can be successful with any option.

@ā€œbsmd momā€

I suggest you DM @Mahikesh and ask if your D can speak to his D and understand about NJIT - student to student.

@junebug20 -

I agree that double depositing has a chance of backfiring and might lead to colleges revoking seatsā€¦better to avoid this.

Many colleges are giving extension. So hopefully the deadline could get extended to June 1.

Why donā€™t you ask both your colleges for deadline extension? Colleges are likely to be flexible regarding this due to COVID-19.

@Mahikesh Thank you for such details! Thatā€™s what my son recalls about the ADHC dorm. My son would be bringing about as many AP credits too, but since he wonā€™t be in the 7-year program, he wants to keep a four-year graduation timeline to be able to enjoy his UG and take time to work on EC to be competitive for his future career, whether that be med school or residency, instead of taking a gap year after graduating in three years.

The ADHC claims that they have a near perfect record of premed matriculating med school. I have no doubt that the kids are smart because the average SAT is something like 1500. The ADHC pays for these kids to attend NJIT The admission rate is about 6% this year (2300 applicants for less than 150 seats). I think it is a better deal than paying full COA at an Ivy League school. My family is not obsessive with prestige unless it comes free of charge. LOL

Thanks again for your insights about your daughterā€™s NJIT ADHC college experience.!

Why do you have to take Cal 3, linear algebra or ODE at NJIT unless your major is Biochemistry or Chemical or Biomedical Engineering. For most biology courses , it is an over kill. There is urban neighborhood around NJIT campus, one should be careful while walking to Newark train station from NJIT.

@ā€œBSMD momā€ - Please ask NJIT or TCNJ directly regarding this.

see FAQs LINK: https://honors.njit.edu/content/njms-accelerated-bsmd-program-faqs

Albert Dorman Honors College: honors@njit.edu OR 973-596-3057

We asked but currently they hold their May 1 date. Trinity would work with students on a 1-on-1 basis, but I donā€™t good telling them to hold his scholarship (just tuition, we still have to pay fees and R&B) because heā€™s still considering his options. That doesnā€™t come out right, does it?

No double depositing is allowed as per rules as far as I know. Trinity may be a better option than NJIT for a Texas resident IMO. NJIT is mostly attended by bsmd or engineering/cs students. Most NJ students will choose Rutgers university for pre-med studies over NJIT. As far as 100% matriculating to medical school for premeds, check how these numbers are being reported.

@ā€œBSMD momā€
Please refer to post #6339 from Mahikesh. He gave great insight on NJIT ADHC.


For BS degree in NJIT, you have take 4 math courses for graduation. For BA, two is enough. Itā€™s primarily a polytechnic school

@ā€œBSMD momā€

THis is purely my opinion.

TCNJ markets hard to attract kids from NJIT because NJIT gives full ride which TCNJ cannot afford

Here are they

  1. At TCNJ, Kids can finish in 2 years and they can do MPH in Columbia.. probably one kid might have done out of 5 batches. I met a siblings who completed degree in NJIT and joined NJMS in 3 rd year. I can assure you they will not have any college experience if they finish it in 2 years...
  2. TCNJ Kids do research at UPENN. UPenn is almost 1 1/2 hours away from TCNJ. Probably couple of them might do it during summer. At NJIT, you can do medical research for the whole year under a doctor in NJMS and plan for residency from the get go.
  3. My daughter said, TCNJ is smaller than her high school. Not sure whether they will college experience.
  4. You pay $44 per semester (except for 1st where it will be $350) including room and continuous dining for a quality education

@NoviceDad Thank you reached out to @Mahikesh.
@Mahikesh thank you so much for your help. Looking forward to get more information from you.
@Vicky2019 , @grtd2010 , @junebug20 for your suggestion will definitely look in to it.

Hi, just wondering, does anyone have any thoughts on how this pandemic will shape med school applications/acceptances over the next few years?

Could it lead to lower standards in terms of clinical work/shadowing, research, and other general ECs? Will acceptance rates increase or decrease? Do you think more applicants will take gap yearsā€¦?

I know itā€™s very hard to tell anything about the coming weeks, let alone years, but just curious is anyone predicts and widespread trends significant changes the application process/student stats etcā€¦

p.s. hope everyone is taking care and doing well :slight_smile:

No one knows how long this will last so we all can speculate only. only thing we know is most will have fewer hrs for ECs thru this summer and MCAT impact is more than anything else for next cycle. Those who thought of making up all EC deficiencies may need to take gap year. Current expectation is 200+hrs for clinical volunteering so may 100 is enough for next cycle or two. Again, pure speculation.

My first post in CC. Once in a while I read the discussions but never posted anything.
First of all I would like to Thank you all for your valuable suggestions and you spending time to help others.
Is there any similar thread for 2021 BSMD applicants? will there be one ?


A new thread for 2021 BSMD applicants will be created - usually after completion of this cycle - around middle of May.


Too early for speculate on these things.

I suggest focus on task at hand - decision making for the offers in hand.

How will the SAT subject tests come into play? If we donā€™t have them due to this pandemic, would that put us at a disadvantage??

Thank you @kush22 for sharing your stats + perspectives.

UMich will give your D a great college experience. As you rightly said - Onwards and upwards.

All the very best to your D.