***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Congratulations! on your multiple BS/MD acceptances. I am assuming you were planning to accept TCNJ/NJMS before hearing from Union/AMC?

But, your decision depends on several factors -

Can you provide more information such as -
are you Local to NJ?
Did you receive scholarship?

Which school/program do you like when you interviewed/visited/researched?
Can you provide some details regarding your stats

Also, is MBA and healthcare administration truly important for you? Were you really planning to pursue this? Is this your passion?


Relaying what I read just y’day in the other medical related web site. Check that site and the specific thread on this. Like many items, people are going to differ in their views and perspectives.
Search “Does MD/MPH programs give an advantage in matching competitive specialties?”
“Do MBA grades matter for residency applications? (MD/MBA)”
simply search “MD vs MD/MPH” or “MD vs MD/MPH”

It is too early to pay way more attention on residency. Residency for highly competitive specialty or doing in top schools has very little impact if you have MBA or MPH or MS in addition to MD. Also MBA or MPH needed only if you plan to choose a career path.

So identify which key factors are very important for you between Union/AMC vs NJIT/NJMS and choose.

@bruhmomento69420 When do you need to answer back to Union/AMC?

Is MBA at Union/AMC worth the cost ? It may not make any difference in landing a competitive residency position. It may be useful only if you want to do healthcare related administration later in your career. Any large university (e.g. Rutgers) will give you an opportunity to do MBA along with MD if you can handle it. IMO, TCNJ/NJMS is a better choice.

I tend to imagine most students opting to go to NJMS because the feeder schools tend to give good price breaks for undergrad, one qualifies for Instate tuition at med school and it is accelerated. Downside, some don’t like the inner city location of NJMS, but it could be a blessing for the exposure it gives.

However I did hear of one student in the past, a NJ resident, opting for Union/AMC over NJMS (not sure what the feeder school was). Don’t know him directly so can’t say what the reason(s) was, whether it is the location, liberal arts focus, MBA, whether he got a competitive price break, guidance from students of his high school who were students of that program 

Hey @rk2017 . Thank you so much for your response. I am actually out-of-state. I can’t seem to find that link from 2018. If you could send it, then that would be amazing! I did reach out to Purchase about graduating early with my AP credits. Even though I maxed out on those, they were saying it’s unlikely.
Thank you once again!

Hey @rk2017 . Thank you so much for your response. I am actually out-of-state. I can’t seem to find that link from 2018. If you could send it, then that would be amazing! I did reach out to Purchase about graduating early with my AP credits. They said it is pretty challenging due to how the majors are oriented as 8-semester graduation plans.
Thank you once again!

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I think what they may be alluding to was that you can’t accelerate in the program despite your AP credits, i.e. can’t matriculate into the med school, before the 4 years allotted for undergrad institution. However you can still graduate from the undergrad institution in 3 years with the help of all the AP credits (unless the undergrad institution doesn’t grant any AP credits, which is highly unlikely). Then you can take a break for a year, go on a world tour, engage in research or take up full time job :-). Or if you prefer, stay at school and finish a double major. Please refer to the faq section under the section for accepted students. Also someone on the thread mentioned about Upstate that the direct med students qualify for in state tuition at the time of matriculation to med school (seems to be on similar lines as many of the public med schools’ policies towards their direct path students, but better get it confirmed from both the programs you are considering)

Also find the link to the feedback from a student attending Sophie Davis. I am also enclosing his profile from the results thread that year to give more context. Ideal thing for you would be to private message him and if he responds, to find out if there has been a change in his out look or opinion since then. But guess since you are fairly new to the forum, that option won’t be enabled for you (need to cross the threshold of 15 or so posts for that to happen). GL with your decision making.




I’m still working on my son to get him to write his reflection on his BSMD journey. It has been a rough year, but it ended with a happy ending. It turns out that we didn’t have to hold our breath too long. In less than a week from the Baylor2 result notification date, he got an acceptance letter from Baylor COM this Mon morning. This is a great year for people on the wait lists. Some T20 UG started working off their WL only a few days after Ivy Day. Someone in the original six getting offers from Baylor COM must have a much better offer to have let Baylor COM go. Similar things can happen with those who currently are on various BSMD wait lists. My S looked for and blew on dandelians all the way to notification day. We thought that trick didn’t work, but it worked, just had a five-day delay reaction. I wish people on the WL lots of luck. Sending dandelians & foru-leaf clovers your ways.

We just submitted his contract today. In a way, it’s nice not to have to choose between/among wonderful BSMD programs (at least we keep telling ourselves that). It would be nice to have those options of a low cost UG! Baylor COM would be one of the lowest-cost options for us, assuming that they will still have an in-state tuition policy for TX residents four years from now.

Thank you everyone in this forum for your guidance/encouragement/consolation. I promise to get my son to write his reflection soon.


Also find out from Purchase if you can do course work during summer sessions if you want to finish it early (the tuition is usually half prize during summers if you will be paying out of state)

@junebug20 - This is wonderful news :slight_smile: it seems we discussed your son’s WL only a few days ago
 Congratulations once more!!!

Wish your son the very best

Congratulations @junebug20
Wish you/your son the very best.

Thank you @Vicky2019 and @NoviceDad!

@rk2017 Ok, thank you so much for all your help! I’ll be sure to check out all of those resources.


You may want to check this college board site regarding SUNY Purchase AP credit policy for their regular undergrads, if you haven’t already. But who knows, since this program is fairly new and they are probably still figuring out the workings, they may or may not allow credits for most of them for those enrolled in this program.


@rk2017 @trustheprocess1 Purchase allows up to 30 AP credits. AP credits for Bio, Phy. and Chem are not allowed. Last years entire BSMD batch at Purchase is aiming to finish undergrad in 3 yrs.


Good to know, yes most of these programs won’t allow students to place out of Bio, Chem and Phys using AP credits.

But the program is not accelerated right? Even if you complete the undergrad in 3 years, you can’t matriculate into med school till after 4 years isn’t it? (as per the faq link above). Or they have changed the policies?

Thank you @Zephyr212 ! I am also trying to finish my undergrad in 3 years if it is possible. It seems to be challenging since those AP Credits for Bio, Chem, and Phys don’t transfer. @rk2017 I think they look to see if the year prior has any room.

Something to consider with the current AP situation- we have had a couple of trainings with college board recently and they admitted some colleges are waffling or outright refusing to accept AP tests from this cycle since the tests will be online and not covering a complete year.

@mom2boys1999 do you know if we can choose not to take an AP exam even if we have signed up for it?