***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

@seapdx2002 Washington University in St. Louis offer BS/MD (and not Univ of Wash @ Seattle)

Nortwestern and Brown accept superstores in 2019 application process. Not sure if any school prefer SAT over ACT.

@GoldenRock Thanks for your response. My son wants to stick to the Midwest region. Now we found out another friendā€™s distant relativeā€™s child who apparently had a very good record comparatively with Indian American counterpart from the same school (better GPA/ACT, etc.) but rejected by UMKC for this yearā€™s admission where the person with less record chosen. They were stating UMKC is getting more biased and reducing the in-take of Indian Americans into the program. Apparently a year back or so an Indian American Girl from regional who quit the program threatened UMKC with law suit. She apparently exposed widespread cheating and unprofessional behavior by her class mates. Another story I was told that UMKC takes mostly very rich Indian American students based on EFC (FAFSA)? Is it legal to do this? We are getting more and more confused with limited options availableā€¦


These acceptances are not based just on ACT and GPA. You have no way of knowing whether a candidateā€™s WHOLE application was one with ā€œless recordā€ or not. You just donā€™t.

@kunalg Agree with above response.

My personal take is: The world is not perfect, neither we are (especially me) with my views.
UMKC is not a great option. You can focus on few BS/MD near your area like UIC (if you are IL resident), Northwestern, UWash, UPitt, OU. Apply to regular UG where student will enjoy and do well in academics. Have a good plan B and choose the school from that perspective also. GL.

@GoldenRock I noticed you didnā€™t mention Penn state\Jefferson 7 year programā€¦Is it not a good program?

Anyone knows about this program? How difficult to get into this program?

Since people are obsessed with whether or not programs are ā€œprestigiousā€ or ā€œgoodā€, hereā€™s a rough tier list that should be pretty accurate based on what Iā€™ve seen and heard from other students on the interview trail.

Tier 1: NU, CWRU, R/B
Tier 2: Rochester, UPITT, BU, UAB, Brown
Tier 3: State programs (NJMS, UConn, OU, UIC etc.), Penn State, Hofstra
Tier 4: Drexel, AMC, VCU
Tier 5: BSDO programs, Interview-only guaranteed programs (i.e. UCF, Temple, FAU etc.), UMKC

Obviously, the tier list may or may not be accurate depending on anyoneā€™s specific situation. I will say that the above tiers were mainly based off of attrition rates, prestige, and ease of matching.

@GoldenRock Thanks for the help.

Glad to know that some school accept superscores. My kidā€™s high school does not offer AP-Bio and AP-Chem. This seemly causes some issues for the applications?

To clarify - UMKC is a BA/MD program, not BS/DO

@BSMDPA Since @kunalg focus is near home (midwest). But if distance is not an issue, sure apply to PSU also.

@GreenPoison has given a good concise list.

@Cytox00 What @GreenPoison stating is Tier5 list which includes BS/DO, UMKC, interview only programs.

@GoldenRock - thanks for clarifying that further. Having just got in the world of BSMD programs last year, I was clueless on the different programs. So, although I now know what was being stated, it was very confusing to me last year and wanted to make sure other ā€œnewbiesā€ understood.

@kunalg - one thing I found out through the process is that different programs look for different thingsā€¦one of the biggest that some schools want research, while others itā€™s not as big of a factor. My eyes were also opened to just how qualified the applicants are, i.e., near perfect or perfect ACT or SAT scores, lots of AP courses, shadowing volunteering, etc. From my experience only having been involved with several of the different programs, it seemed that a lot of weight was placed on the interview. Everyone interviewing has exceptional stats, so they really wanted to see who fit the program and was a good fit. Knowing the emphasis placed on interviews, it does not surprise me that someone that may not look as good on paper gets the spot. Remember though, weā€™re talking about all extremely well-qualified students that makes it difficult for a selection committee to separate. Thatā€™s once you get to the interview, but what does it take to get an interview. Perhaps that does take some good fortune, but we were also told essays played an important role in who gets chosen for interviews.

I donā€™t know nearly as much as others on here and I donā€™t claim that. I am hoping, however, that my perspective from someone that had never been familiar with these programs may be helpful to those just familiarizing them with these programs.

I wish all those applying the best of luck!!

@GoldenRock @thumper1 @Cytox00 Thanks for all your feed back.

Anyone has any suggestions/info on California Northstate University? How is their requirement and program?
Thank you. Where is California Northstate University in the ranking? Thank you.

Go to previous years thread and search posts related to it.
Search icon next to the page numbers either at the top or bottom of the thread.
Click that icon and enter either CNU or california state university.
Short answer: Donā€™t apply to CNU at this stage.

@GoldenRock Thank you. Very informative reading. Thank you for posting the links in 2019 post.
It was interesting that my S got an e-mail from CNS saying that he is accepted to the BS MD conditionally. He never contacted the school to inquire about BS MD. The content of the letter is vague, and they ask him to go to the website to submit an application. Anyone got a similar letter? Is CNS accredited? Last year, I read an article saying that it was, but I also heard that accreditation is a process of five years.

Iā€™m a junior (going on senior) in an Ontario high school and have unfortunately came across the BS / MD route late but I still plan to apply (hopefully- if my stats are good enough). I am an American Citizen and would be considered an out-of-state applicant. Would my foreign residency hurt my chances in any way?

I can give some stats if anyone wants too.

Also, my Canadian high school does not offer any AP/IB/higher level courses. Would this also hurt my application in any way?

Anyone get a ā€œconditional acceptanceā€ to CNU BS/MDD?
This whole thing seems kinda sketchy

Yes, my S got an e-mail with ā€œconditional acceptanceā€. See post #94 above.
Did you contact them in the past? Did they send you a letter or an e-mail?

Email, never contacted them in the past. Maybe they do it based off of standardized test scores?

Well, I guess itā€™s a nice safety