***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***



There is NO waitlist for PMM

Last couple of years they have offered acceptances to ~ 60 people and ~45 have joined.

For medical schools, rankings are kind of meaningless.
Penn/Jeff is a good BS/MD program.


Since you are NOT an ORM candidate, if you get >=1540, you an apply to pretty much all BS/MD programs.

ORM = Over represented minority

Anyone else received PMM email ?

For those who applied NJIT/NJMS, was there any indication that you applied to the BS/MD Program in the undergraduate portal? Did the application portal specify that you were a BS/MD candidate? Did you receive the interview notification via email or via the portal? If anyone was rejected, did you receive notification that you did not advance to the interview stage of the process?


NJIT undergrad portal does not say anything about bsmd program . Portal said that my D was accepted before We received interview information via email.

A bit redundant, but please chance a junior for BSMD programs. I asked a few months ago, but now I have my SAT + more information

Top 10 HS in State
Very Competitive
ORM :frowning:

GPA: 3.93 UW (factors junior year first semester as well) and ~4.5 W

APS: 4 Comp Sci
Bio, Physics, APUSH, APES, AP Macro this year
Chem, Stats, Calc AB, Gov, Micro, Physch next year

SAT: First try 1470 (800 M, 670 R/W)
Will try 2 more times – Will also reach 1520+ soon

SAT 2: Math 2, Bio, USH


  • Cancer Research (Will get over 1000 hours, I have 300 hours-ish)
  • Cancer Research Published 1 article, will publish more
  • Mini-Med School, TA for 2 years
  • Senior Home Care (~200 Hours)
  • VEX Robotics (2 times World Championship Participants, 1 time State Winners)
  • more ECS, won’t play a major influence.


  • 1500+ SAT
  • 800 on SAT 2
  • 5s on Science APs
  • Continue Cancer Research

Thanks in advance!


Couple of BS/MDs specifically ask for SAT subject chemistry. Unless you aren’t interested in them, you may want to consider replacing SAT subject history with chemistry. You need not wait to complete AP to take it, honors level course should be good enough.

The percentage of those getting 5s in AP Bio is very low. Pay special attention to that.

I feel no need of getting 1000 hours in cancer research. Perhaps you can divert some of the effort in preparation of APs, SAT2s and may be exploring ACT (some kids do better in one over the other. A score of 35 on ACT should be competitive enough for most programs. Or else shoot for a 1550 or above in SAT)

Meant to say 34 or 35 ACT …

@rk2017 Thanks for the advice. However, 1490 is equivalent to a 34. So if I’m able to push towards 1520, won’t be I in the 34/35 range?

(I’m at 1470 right now)


  1. Take ACT at least once
  2. Don't take SAT multiple times.
  3. Don't do too many APs.
  4. Balance your time and do well in whatever few you do. Don't stretch too thin.

Anyone here who applied to Boston University? Did you hear back from them?

I took the SAT once (1470). Will try again in March and April (School Day) for 1520 and 1550 respectively.

@bearsfan21 Understood. But the suggestion is rather than taking SAT 3 times, take 1 more time (since you are keen) but try ACT (than taking SAT for 3rd time).
You never know, you may do well in ACT. Also taking any test beyond 2 times not going to be that much beneficial.


34 is not equivalent to 1490, it is too low.

I haven’t been following those concordance tables lately, but they used to give a range. I would imagine 34 is equivalent to the higher end of that range (if they are still providing that), may be 1520 or so.

Also 34 won’t appear too off from a 35 or 36, whereas, say a 1520, does appear on the lower end of the scale for these programs.

Haven’t heard from BU yet

My daughter is a junior. I have a question regarding college visits. She is planning to apply widely for BS/MD programs next year. She thinks she can visit the college if she at least gets an interview otherwise there is no point in visiting. I understand college visit is to determine the fit but at the same time as these programs are too competitive if even if you think one college is a good fit for the student, there is no guarantee that you get admission there.

My question to you all - Do the students have college tour when they are invited for the interviews?

@mygrad2021 Few points to assist with your plans.

  1. If you are in HI/AK or West Coast like CA/WA/OR, it is going to be challenging, unless you and D plans to make a big trip during summer holidays to east /mid / south of US since most of the programs are east of rocky mountain.
  2. It depends on how critical your child gives importance to the so called 'FIT'? Though many students gives lot of importance, there are some students don't give that much weight. If it is reasonable and get a feel for it during interview, they are ok. Appears your D is falling in this category.
  3. Many schools allow to customize your visit (tour) during interview. It is not BS/MD program office per se. But your D reach out to the UG admission office and arrange. Plan to go additional day etc if the interview day timing did not work out. But remember, during interview days, HS also in session and may want to avoid any additional days just for tour.

If you are east coast, lucky and can cover at least few schools during summer or holidays.

You can contact Dr Markle director at penn state PMM program and he actually met with us for program overview during our visit and mentioned that this is like an informal interview.

When would you hear from VCU and Drexel for interviews?