***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

@Westerngirl - Renesselar doens’t have its own med school - but it has a BS-MD program with Albany Med school. Yes, it is a tradiational BS-MD program where med school seat is guaranteed as long as you satify their GPA and other requirements. No MCATs required.

Hi, Did anyone receive Drexel Honors college application? DS received last week, does that mean they are not considered for BS MD?

How hard is it to get an interview from Penn state and Jefferson? I don’t know when they come out


The call/meeting with Drew is only for them to decide whether or not to forward your app to NJMS, right? My advise would be to take it on Skype and make sure they understand it is because of distance. If NJMS calls you in, you can’t avoid the travel then anyway, so save the trouble for later.

Hi, Did anyone receive Hofstra Supplement application?Usually around what time they send it out?

Last year Hofstra sent supplement apps over 2-3 weeks in Jan and they had to be submitted by end of jan. They called about 60 candidates for interview. Interview requests went out around Feb 20… They interviewed over 4 days inviting 15 candidates each day in 2nd week of March and final results came around March 25th.


I had addressed this in the past on this thread, at least partially. You may want to search the thread for BS/DO or just DO to find the concerned post(s)

When do the essay questions come out for BSMD programs? Do they differ in a particular school from one year to another? Are they more or less the same for all BSMD programs? In other words, can they be recycled? Any that can be done ahead of time/ during the summer prior to senior year?

Hofstra supplement generally comes out in early Jan.
Did you get Stars Research Invite as well from Drexel in addition to Honors?


Search specific threads in CC site to have a better understanding on BS/DO programs and about Caribbean medical Schools.


Search within a specific thread by using words like Caribbean .
In general stay away from Caribbean is the response you will get, especially with out trying out either BS/MD or later regular route for MD.

@medadmin2019 , @ROSSX2 , Thanks for the details. DS got the email for Stars search program as well.

@2FutureBSMDsMom , DS submitted for UPitt on 11/12 and got UG admission on 11/28.But last week when I called for UG admissions they told he/she is not considered for GAP program.But today she got an email for supplement application.

So I hope you might get to know about supplement soon.All the best for your kid.

I know you’re all busy talking about applications. As my daughter is still a junior I am following these posts so closely and getting nervous. We had high hes on her PSAT results as she scored 35 in ACT and 1510 in SAT. Looks like the PSAT curve is too harsh this time. She just lost 4 questions in math section and that brought her down to 33.5 and reading and writing she got 37 and 36. I know she is known to make silly mistakes in math sometimes, so not sure what happened but the final result is she ended only with 215 SI.
I see colleges like UC connections, UOA, OU etc gives full tuition/ride to NMF students. I do not think she can make to NMF finalist with this score she may end up with commended. My question is if there are any other full ride scholarships to these bs/md programs other than NMF? Could you please name few colleges that have full ride even though the student is not NMF?

Thanks you all for supporting. This group is really helpful.


Have you checked the last year’s cut off for NMF for your state?
Both NJIT and Rutgers Newark are known to give full rides for undergrad for the combined program with NJMS. NMF standing is not the criterion. However some students/parents seem to have issues with the location.
Some others we came across with no such issue, but opted to go for programs like BU’s (with no price breaks) leaving their full rides in these programs. So really up to the individual’s judgement and situations.

Temple seems to give full rides also but it is debatable whether that program is a true BS/MD. Also location seems to be an issue for some.

In traditional route one of the senior member’s @srk2017 son got a full ride at Vanderbilt. Not too sure but don’t remember seeing NMF as the factor being mentioned.

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Thank you @rk2017 ! For our state I see online that it’s 218 and it dropped down by 1 point from last year. So I doubt even if it drops down it cannot be 3 points.

Our first focus is bs/md and planning regular if she cannot get into it. So you’re saying other than NMF there is no other scholarships for full ride?

@mygrad2021 Following understanding may help in your research.

  1. Full ride vs full tuition. Both are not the same.
  2. Full tuition does not mean you are not paying anything related to academic costs. Each line items in costs have classification whether it is a tuition or fees. So even if a school says free tuition (like OU the example you mentioned) does not mean you are not paying anything. Rather plan to have some budget of few thousands. Every year things change especially if state funding drops (OU fees increased in the last 4 years). In addition you need to have funds for R&B.
  3. Need based vs merit based. Need based need to file FAFSA and / or CSS.
  4. NMF is not a must for all Merit based aid. Few colleges use NMF. Few colleges decide based on other extra ordinary achievements. In general, merit aid of the secondary category is very few like 5-10 across the entire entering class. So the student has done some extra ordinary like won a national or international award, invented or done outstanding service which is known to the mass/media. The example of @srk2017 at Vanderbilt is like that. Not because of NMF.
  5. All 8 Ivies and many T20 are need based ONLY. Exceptions are Chicago, Vandy but again here merit is awarded only to few (Presidential scholar etc).

No. I listened at least a couple of BS/MDs that award full rides undergrad without looking at NMF status. There may be more.

Thank you @GoldenRock for the detailed explanation. I am sure she doesn’t have anything extraordinary other the research and 400 hrs of volunteering. I am sure most of the kids in this group has all that. I am still trying to analyze if she is really fit for these bsmd programs. We’re local to UC connections but it’s a very competitive program. I have little bit hopes on VCU as they give importance to volunteering. Can someone chance her for VCU and UAB?

Thank you @rk2017 ! Do you know which colleges offer full ride without NMF. I would like to do further research on that.

Does any one know about Washington & Jefferson College Medical Scholars Program? W&J has partnered with the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University to launch this program. It looks like a guaranteed BS MD program but wasnt sure. Anyone know about this?

Reviewing the info in their site, it is BS/MD program. The site addresses clearly some of the key points. Presume you are doing research for next cycle since the deadline for this cycle is gone 12/10.

Though it is similar to Temple/Temple, but T/T have to appear for an interview in Senior year. But in W&J/T it appears it is not called out.
