***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***


Not sure how the process works with them, but since it is mentioned they expect to take 10 from 1 or 2 feeders and 5 from each of another 7 or so, total intake will be around 50.

So they should be interviewing 100+ distinct individuals even as there may be overlap among multiple feeders recommending the same student(s) who distinctly outshine. And they have to accept more than the slots they expect to fill factoring that some of these most distinguished students are not going to enroll. So acceptances may be around 75 or so I guess.

Good luck to all!

Just thought of elaborating on some of the main (but not all) reasons that make traditional route applicants take gap year(s), for the benefit of those following the proceedings here only since recently. At a very high level, broadly 3 main reasons:

  • For some attending traditional undergrad at some of the most competitive places like JHU, Cornell, UCB etc for example, just keeping their noses above the water and maintaining reasonable gpas itself consumes 90% or more of their energy and time. So they need extra year(s) for strengthening their ECs, research, application process to the med schools, attending interviews etc. In fact such schools themselves encourage students to take gap years so they can brag about how successful their students have been in med school admissions.
  • Those with damaged gpas enroll in a master's in related areas like Public health or life sciences with the hope they will be more impressive and their chances imorove with the additional degree and wider exposure.
  • For those who could manage to juggle all of these well and capable of getting into a med school right after undergrad - not necessarily because they are better than the above two categories but were wiser and / or luckier in choosing relatively easier schools where they could shine - this whole process itself could be so draining, that they don't want to start the second marathon of med school right after the undergrad and risk a burnout.

@art2020 did you get a separate email regarding the payment, that the payment link is in the Drexel portal? We got the notification that the application has been forwarded to the school of medicine but donā€™t see anything regarding the payment options

@ghytu12 - No separate email for payment. The notification email has following instructions.

To pay your activation and processing fee online, please visit Discover Drexel and log in using your email address and account password.

Has anyone received a supplemental application for RPI/AMC?

@hermionea My DC did.

Thanks @Zephyr212 for the link

@coolguy456 What are the essay prompts in the supplemental application?

@ghytu12 AMC supplement submitted on the 10th (was due on the 15th). The interview email arrived on the 19th.

@BAMDHopeful VCU Honors letter was dated Dec 17th. The Provost scholarship was dated Dec 20th. Thereā€™s no invite yet for the interviews. I hope they have not sent it out yet. :smiley:


Union requires that we take their tour before the interview at AMC. 8:30 - 10:30 am is their tour + info session about LIM.

Did anyone hear back regarding TCNJ/NJMS interview ?

No news yet

Please avoid asking/sharing essay prompts here.
You will get sufficient time to complete all essays once you get supplemental applicationā€¦ good luck

@SpeedSkater Thank you very much for the details regarding union/AMC dates

@art2020 Thank you very much for the clarification regarding Drexel payment. Somehow my S is not seeing any info regarding payment neither in the notification email or in the Drexel portal.

DC got an interview with AMC. Is it worth it to go through the process if Union didā€™nt give enough merit money to make it affordable? DC got EA acceptances at other schools which are more affordable. I was just wondering if DC goes through the process and gets accepted for AMC could we negotiate more merit based on the peer college acceptances with more merit money.

@holychild very unlikely that they will increase the merit scholarship. Especially for the guaranteed program. No harm in trying.


Most unlikely Union wonā€™t give you more money to match offers from ā€œpeersā€. They would have, if you applied as a regular applicant for traditional undergrad at Union. With the AMC deal tied to it, they donā€™t consider other institutionsā€™ offers as peers any longer.

You can try your luck though if you wish, but donā€™t go with any expectations.


My impression was Union gives their highest merit award to LIM kids based on where yhey stand on the score grid. Its 20 or 25kā€¦ not sure. What was their offer. Doubt they nrgotiate merit aid.