***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

@PathophysiologyFTW did you clarify about the $65 / $110 issue? Does the price differ depend on which feeder school you applied to? Albany and Purchase had $65 in the final pay box.

Also the Upstate Medical supplement mentioned about sending high school transcript. Any clarification on that?

Regarding USF BS/MD attrition, my guess for the attrition is that it is due to need to take mcat after 4 semesters of college and need to mantain GPA in both overall and science courses for these semesters. First four/five sememsters contains lot of weed out classes where A grade is rationed and that may be causing it. After all out of 8-9 science classes in these four semesters, if you get B in 3 you are below 3.7 (which is very possible considering 2 classes of organic chemistry and 1 class of biochemistry that you have to take in these semesters - these classes are accepted as toughest by most).

Usually it is easier to get 3.7 GPA on graduation when compared to getting it in every semester or maintaining it at end of every semester as higher level science classes are not weedout and by that time student has settled in well in terms of study habits etc

In UCF BS/MD as well, I have heard (from other postings) that attrition rate is over 50%. For miami early acceptance, it is like they select 12-14 out of well over 100 who start the program with aim of getting early acceptance. Though they do not define criteria clearly and leaves it open.

@Zephyr212 @rk2017

I would towards 25 interviews to offer 10 seats.
Actual matriculation may be lower as not all 10 would join (unless they have a wait-list).

@Zephyr212 @rk2017

I would lean towards 25 interviews to offer 10 seats.
Actual matriculation may be lower as not all 10 would join (unless they have a wait-list).

Hi everyone applying for Upstate Accelerated Scholars Program, is this Program actually accelerated, for example 7-year or 6-year? If not, why do they call it accelerated?

SUNY Upstate:

  1. It is NOT an accelerated program. I have no clue why they call it accelerated.

  2. Of the 13 undergrad feeder programs, not ALL are BS/MD, some are EAP. One example of EAP is with Colgate University.

  3. Upstate indicates they will take cohorts of upto 5 or 10 from these undergrad programs. This implies they may offer admissions to upto 50-100 students from all feeder schools combined. However, I had read somewhere they plan to take only upto 30 students via this path.

  4. $110 fee - This fee has been associated with the EAP programs (in the past).

  5. When in doubt, it is best to call the college itself and follow their guidance.

@NoviceDad the 30 students number was for fall 2019 class. link mentioning that article is posted below https://www.upstate.edu/news/articles/2019/2019-03-08-scholars.php

@Zephyr212, @NoviceDad, @seemasp

Re Upstate:

  • Yes, not all the 11 feeders to Upstate are BS/MD. Colgate and perhaps a couple more are EAP.
  • That leaves may be 8 or 9 as BS/MD. They are not accelerated, i.e. 8 years in duration. Next year onwards they are introducing true accelerated programs of 7 years with Syracuse and couple of other institutions. Not sure what will be the intake for those new programs.
  • Not all these 8 or 9 have similar profiles. While UAlbany may be the feeder sending the largest contingent of 10 to 12 every year, the number of applicants there may also be very high.
  • Other feeders are much smaller and sending only 5 or so every year and also the corresponding number of applicants must be low also, like 200-300 through each of these feeders.
  • I expect the ratio of applicants forwarded to Upstate from a given feeder to be about twice to two and half times that of the expected intake from their institution. For example 25 interviews from UAlbany seems reasonable number considering Upstate takes 10 students from them. Likewise for each of the other feeders, in proportion to the likely intake from each (5-10), and so 12-25 called for interviews.
  • Of these referrals 40-60% will be selected by Upstate for the program. Of these about 1/2 to 2/3 will enroll in the program.


Yes, the program from Upstate is 8 years, but guess they still call it accelerated since students in the program don’t lose a year or more in the form of gap years that a typical pre med student ends up taking for a variety of reasons.

From next year they are introducing 7 year programs with a few new feeder institutions, the most well known among them being Syracuse.

@rk2017 @NoviceDad thank you for your feedback regarding the upstate medical program.

@rk2017 wait so ur saying there were 200+ applicants to each of these feeders? Because I find that hard to believe for schools such as Polytechnic, which might not be as well known for undergrad, but I’m just speculating here so I may be wrong!

@SpeedSkater I see that you got AMC/Union interview on Dec 19th. when did you submit your supplement to AMC & how quickly they responded to you?

@Vitawat345 My S also received notification from Drexel that BA/BS-MD application was forwarded to the Drexel College of Medicine but in that notification, we don’t see anything regarding the medical school application fee. Is this in a separate email? Did you receive it on the same day?


2-3 hundreds give or take on an average per feeder school I guess, except for UAlbany. I checked SUNY Polytechnic, it has undergrad enrollment of around 2100, so ~500 / year incoming freshmen. So possible between 100-200 of them may be expressing their interest for the Upstate program, hoping to be in the list of 12-15 forwarded by the Polytechnic to Upstate for their allotted share of 5 slots.

Also, some students will be applying through multiple feeders going through the list of the feeders even not knowing much about any, to enhance the probability of getting an interview. So there will be these cases where folks applying to Polytechnic just because of this factor and also bcoz not many overall applicants to this institution and so lesser competition and higher chances of both interview and eventual selection.

As I mentioned this is a fairly new program with Upstate so strategies keep evolving in the student/parent population and numbers can fluctuate wildly. Also more well known schools like Syracuse joining the feeder pool from next year and will further impact the competitive landscape.

VCU honors college acceptances are out through postal mail. Not sure how many get forwarded to the BS/MD program.

@screen321 when did VCU Honor letter come out?

@BAMDhopeful just today

@rk2017 I wonder if those top 20 students applying to all feeder colleges would take up all the referral slots. The Upstate Medical may end up with the same set of 20-30 students to interview anyway :slight_smile:

@SpeedSkater can you tell us a bit more about your interview call from Union/AMC?

  • when did you submit to Union?
  • when did you submit to AMC?
  • when did you hear for interview?
  • when is your interview?
    Any other detail you think we should know would be helpful as well. Thank you.

You’ll find the fee-payment link in Drexel Portal.