***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

3.83 UW GPA :frowning:
6% rank :frowning:
SATs: 1540, 780 chem, 780 math.
They’re bad idk how I got an interview but hopefully it works out.

@Hakhan Maybe you have stellar ECs and essays. I think those are more important if GPA and test scores are good - which yours are. I think people get too hung up on not having a perfect GPA.

@NoviceDad @GoldenRock Thanks for the information. I suggested that DC prep for the interview and make the best of it. It will be good experience even if DC does’nt get in or gets in and it’s not affordable. Still waiting on Stonybrook but DC was accepted at Case Western Reserve with good merit (still hoping for more money though) and SUNY Binghampton which is an affordable option. They have an “early assurance program”. DC also got into the Seton Hall University BS/MD program. I think we have great options and are looking forward to making a final decision in April 2020 once all the acceptances and scholarship decisions are in.

it seems like there is no fixed selection criteria as they have lot Apps to review.

Selection is random with similar stats we know some one from D/S who was not accepted. Getting PMM interview. D/S was lucky , I also heard they randomly reject high profile candidates.

our D/S stats
sat 1580
act 36
GPA 4.0 UW
Decent EC avg research exp


What are scholarship options for MD PHD Vs MD ?

Do all BS md programs have option of choosing MD PHD ?

@mi2019 I am referring MD/PhD in the regular route. Normally they are close to free education after UG. But student must be interested in research and want to do MD/Ph.D and it take more additional years to already a long education path.

Few BS/MD programs also either upfront (RPI/AMC) or later when you matriculate to MD you can change to MD/PhD. ’

Since my D not interested in PhD not done any research on that option. So do your homework.

Hi I have my PMM interview on 1/15 and am coming up with answers to interview questions. When prepping for the “why med” question, do I have to come up with a completely different answer than my essay was?

Basically how do I reconcile what I wrote in my supplement with what I say in the interview without repeating myself?

btw I posted this before and didn’t get an answer so I’m posting again. Thanks for your responses!


The interviewer asking you that question, if at all, most likely is not the essay reader who read your application in determining who to short list for interview. So he/she may not be even aware of what you wrote. And even if they had gone over it, difficult to remember who wrote what. So they would want to hear from you firsthand. So I don’t see any problem in repeating your thoughts. Try to convey your enthusiasm and understanding of what it entails to be in the profession.

Cool that makes sense.
Thanks, I appreciate it!

@BAMDHopeful This is SpeedSkater’s dad. :slight_smile:
FAFSA application is good enough for all of their scholarships. Yes, we put the FAFSA in. It should only take you a few minutes, and I believe scholarship is something you can apply until March or so (unless it’s a specific scholarship with its own requirements.)

SUNY Upstate special programs coordinator Crystal Ripa has started responding to my emails so if you have any questions you might wanna shoot her one!

Hi, I’m actually a high school freshman not applying for the 2019-2020 season but I did have a question regarding BS/MD. I just finished my first semester with a 4.0 GPA and had a PSAT score of 1140. I’m also planning to do some summer research and have joined HOSA and a Kinesiology activity, and am enrolled in the School of Health Professions Townview in Dallas, TX. Now I’m just wondering if someone can help direct me from here, to reach my goal of enrolling in a BS/MD program in 2023. I know it’s early, but I’m trying to get myself prepared from now on. I would appreciate some suggestions on what to do in high school for a good chance of getting into BS/MD. Thanks!!


Have your parents read through this thread in leisure, take notes and provide you direction on what to do and when. Also perhaps the previous year’s and the results threads as well for couple of years.

There is a lot of information to be processed, filtered and distilled, so you are better off stay focused on studies while they do the leg work for you.

Hi all,

Quick question about the NU HPME program specifically. Considering it’s a separate application (separate portal and everything), does HPME read your Common App essay or regular NU supplement? Asking this as I might want to reuse a topic for some of the HPME essays. Thanks!


Do you know if SUNY Albany/Upstate sent out the interview invitations for everyone that they selected, or are they still in the process of reviewing candidates?

Hi everyone, I am a current rems student on cc after a very long time. I remember how hard this all was, so feel free to reach out with questions

Hi everyone, I do need your help about the UPitt GAP submission as we ran into a technical issue:

Although the recommendation letters have been received under the ‘App Status’ tab, it still shows the following message when I clicked the Submission button:

“There are unfinished sections of your application. Finish all sections before submitting.
-Two Recommenders (1 Academic, 1 Individual) are required (Recommendations)”

As a result, the application doesn’t register that my recommendations are completed, so we are unable to submit my application.

Can anybody help with this as we are going to miss the submission deadline as the Admission Office is closed until Jan 2?

Many thanks!


Tried logging out and logging back again? If issues still persist send email to the admissions office anyway for their future reference. If possible with screen shots.

Concerning NU HPME - does anyone know if it’s due at 11:59 pm on January 1st, or is it due on 11:59 pm on January 2nd? The application says all materials must be received by January 2, but some parts say January 1st. My guidance counselor still hasn’t submitted her rec, and I want to know if I’ll be able to see her in person on the 2nd to ensure it goes through.

@00301325 Hello! What is the rems process like (when did you receive interview, acceptance)? I can’t seem to find anything online. thanks!