***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

There is no general consensus on rankings.
I think most folks on this forum agree that US News Rankings for Medical Schools is a joke.
Some of us prefer to look at residency matches, some of us are of the view all medical schools are accredited and therefore good.
Apply broadly.

@mi2019 I completely agree with @NoviceDad The rankings donā€™t matter on whether you will be a good doctor or even as to how much money you make as a doctor. The salary comes down to what residency you match into and where you will be practicing, so I suggest you look at the match rate and match list from the previous years to know the quality of educationā€¦ although I believe that medical education in the U.S. medical schools is very similar in standards compared to any other educational fields.

@bsmdfor2020 Hello, I just did some research on the program. The application process is required for ALL BSMD programs (correct me if Iā€™m wrong) because the AMCAS requires it. For the BSMD applicants, there should be a scroll-down menu when the students are ready to apply to medical school through AMCAS that indicates that they are matriculating through the BSMD program. Thus, USF is nothing suspicious and not an early assurance one. Even for SUNY Upstate (my program) you have to apply to medical school at my last year in UG and guaranteed acceptance because I will indicate as a BSMD. I think the reason for the need for application is just a procedural thing and for statistics on applicants on AMCAS.

Hi guys,
Iā€™m new to this thread and to college confidential in general

I have been looking at CC forums and learnt a lot from these valuable discussions. Posting for the first time to get any input as we are deciding on the college list for my daughter (who is a rising senior).

Should we be even applying for BSMD with the below profile? If so, what colleges would be best suited for this profile?
Without a whole lot of information about these BSMD programs, it is becoming harder to know what programs would be the best.

State: CA
Asian Female

Weighted GPA: 4.40
Unweighted GPA: 3.87

ACT: 35 (Math 36 Science 36 STEM 36 English 34 Reading 35)
SAT: 1550

SAT Math 2 ā€“ 800
SAT Chemistry ā€“ 800

AP: AP Calc BC (5), AP World History (5), AP Chem (4), AP Bio (5), AP Stats (5), AP US History (5), AP Comp Sci (4)
Senior year weighted courses: AP Gov, AP Eco, Honors Physics, Multi Variable Calculus

Abroad medical camp shadowing and volunteer exp
~200 hours of volunteering in two hospitals (urgent care)
Piano ā€“ 10 years
Dance ā€“ 8 years
Robotics competitions for 6+ years and qualified for worlds
Speech and Debate competitions and awards
Leadership roles in the above clubs
JV sports for a year

You have some impressive stats that will make you competitive for most BS/MD programs. You also have plenty of healthcare experiences, so you should be good.

Is Temple only an interview guaranteed program? On the website, it says you get provisional acceptance to medical school, so Iā€™m assuming that as long as you meet all the requirements, you will get in.

@rscarlet Yes, apply to few BS/MD programs (in addition to regular UG schools) if your D is interested in Medicine career. She has equal chance like any other students.

@helix8 adding @grtd2010 to respond since her D is doing the program.

Does anyone know anything about the Rowan University/Cooper Medical School BS/MD Program? I think it is relatively new.

Which bs md program is easier to get in BU SMED vs UPitt GAP ? @mi2019 Any BS/MD program is extremely competitive. True, as someone pointed out, the number of slots for BU SMED are about twice (20-30 expected intake). However that is the reason the program attracts lot many applicants too. I don't know the statistics for the latest cycle, but it seems for the prior cycle, there were 2000+ applicants, 80 interviewed, 38 offered and 31 enrolled. So that makes it less than 2% acceptance. (Also some of the most astounding candidates did not get interviews to BU SMED for 2018, so kind of difficult to come to any straight forward conclusion). It seems UPitt revamped the whole process in the latest cycle. If you go through 2019 posts you can find lot many getting interview calls (unlike in the past). So it may have gotten a little easier if you have the right kind of background they are looking for. Refer to the results thread of 2019 also to get a feel.



Yes, Temple is only an interview-guaranteed program- go look at their website again, it explicitly states that they require an interview before entering medical school. Additionally, I have friends who went to that program, and they told me that they DO use the interview to weed out.

And Cooper is not worth applying to- itā€™s a BS/MD program with a restricted primary care focus that only has a few seats. At that point, youā€™re just better off going the traditional route.

Also wanted to point out, Brown PLME has the maximum slots of any direct med program, but is most difficult to get into, especially for ORMs.

Technically yes, there is an interview before matriculation to Medical School. D is not worried. For all premeds, there is a weed out process as a committee interview to get a committee letter of recommendation. Many premeds may not pass the muster due to GPA or MCAT Score. Itā€™s GPA requirement are higher than BUā€™s SMED ( 3.6 vs 3.2). and PSU ( Thomas Jefferson).

Hello! Iā€™m a rising senior in Texas. I know itā€™s kinda late in the game for me to just now find out about bs/md programs, and my stats arenā€™t as highly competitive as others, but I was wondering if someone could look at my stats and tell me the chances of me getting accepted into any combined programs. Iā€™ve been feeling extremely anxious about this whole admissions process and it would really help to ease some nerves. Iā€™ve been looking into Howard University, Northwestern University, Sophie Davis Biomedical Education Program/CUNY, SUNY Upstate, B2B, Rice/Baylor, and Texas Tech, but Iā€™m open to any suggestions and I will also be applying to UG schools. Thank you for your help!

Small magnet school that only accepts top % of students that apply
Rank: 9/100
GPA: 4.33 weighted, 3.92 unweighted
Classes type: I have only ever taken Pre-AP/AP/Dual Credit courses
African American
Will need financial aid

SAT: 1340 (I know itā€™s not a highly competitive score; Iā€™m going to aim for a 1500+)
SAT Subject Tests: Math ll, Biology, Chemistry (will take August)
ACT: 32 (practice test; will take test in September)
AP Scores: Human Geography-3, English Language-4, United States History-4, Psychology-5, English Literature-3, Spanish Language-1, Biology-3, Calculus A/B-2
Senior Year classes: AP Physics I, AP Calculus B/C, AP Environmental Science, AP Music Theory, DC Government, DC Economics, DC Arts & Media

Club sports: Volleyball (5 years) and Basketball (2 years)
Sports: Volleyball (7 years) (Captain in 10th grade, MVP in 10th grade) (Assistant Coach in 11th grade) and Dance (5 years)(Company/Featured Dancer)
Student Council (4 years) (Officer)
National Honor Society (2 years) (Vice President/Officer)
Gay-Straight Alliance (3 years)
Student Volunteer Club (2 years) (Founding member)
Future Medical Professionals Club (1 year) (Founding member)(President)
Academic Decathalon (1 year, might do it this year)
Jazz Band [4 years]
All-school Musical [4 years]
School Ambassador [1 year]

Volunteering/Community Service
Youth Executive at church [100+ hours]
Childrenā€™s Sunday School teacher [600+ hours]
Church healthcare program [30+ hours, will have more]
Church food drive/ back to school fair [30+ hours, will have more]
Volunteering at a free medical clinic [currently 20 hours, will have more]
Graduation committee [20 hours]
School pageant [~10 hours]
Special Olympics [4 hours]
Library Volunteer [~15 hours]
City-wide volunteering event [6 hours]

Medical Related Work
Shadowing: Shadowed an internist for a week [20 hours], will shadow a womenā€™s health FNP, Hoping to join a medical research program this fall

Awards/Honours: AP Scholar with Honor, Church All ā€˜Asā€™ Award [2014-2019], Church Volunteer of the Year Award [2018], Deanā€™s List, Perfect Attendance (My school does not give out academic awards and we donā€™t hold STEM competitions)

Thank you again! Any feedback is good feedback :slight_smile:

Your are as good as any other students and have equal chance.
Donā€™t worry about anything at this stage. Simply apply to few BS/MD programs and regular UG schools of your choice.
Add OU (Oklahoma) and Tulsa to your BS/MD list (both are very close to TX) and South Alabama (check if TX is eligible or not - They restrict to AL and few other counties in the neighboring states). Ensure to apply to all TX BD/MD programs (I think you did, but check)
May be avoid sending SAT score and use ACT score.

Hello everyone, I am a rising senior and planning to apply for bs/md this fall. I was looking at Bs/md requirements and noticed that some schools like UAB, Boston etc requires 4 years of English. Do they mean 4 credits or do we need to take English every year? I have 4 credits, but I didnā€™t take English in my 10th grade. Does this mean that I donā€™t have a chance if I apply for these programs?


@coolguy456 Check your school district graduation requirements. In general college admission requirements are not going to be any different than HS graduation requirements, especially in subjects like English.
For example, where my D went, the HS requirement is 40 credits for English. Ten credits equal one year of work for one period a day. The way the courses are structured, there is no choice that all students need to do English every year in HS.
Surprise to know your school you can skip English in 10th. Some thing not clear or missing.

Hi there. I am a total newbie for these programs and I would like to see what you think my chances are :
Ethnicity : Egyptian ( arrived from Egypt right before the start of junior year)
GPA : 3.9
Classes : for freshmen and sophomore year I was in Egypt, so there is nothing called AP or IB, but any class there is a lit difficult than an even most AP classes ( I say this by experience and I know a lot of people who say the same) students in egypt pass out after exams and some may even commit suicide.
Only took 1 AP class (Bio :4) for Junior year because my family was moving a lot since it was our first year, also my parents know little English so I had to take care of all the staff that required speaking with someone lol. (Like renting houses for example or bying furniture)
Gonna take 4 AP classes next year (AP calculus AB/BC, AP Lit/ AP comp. Gov/ AP chemistry)
I obivusly know another language ( Arabic) but I am also taking French.
The only classes I have ever gotten a B in were Arabic, Art and Sports lol.
ACT : 34 ( planning on making it 35 or 36 )
SAT subject test : havenā€™t taken them yet, taking Biology and Maths2 next time and most probably going to be >750
Volunteering :
Volunteered at a nursing home (300+ hours ) ( Egypt )
Volunteering at a medical center (50+ will have more) (U.S.A)
Will shadow my family doctor (probably 40+ hours)
Vsisiting seniorsā€™ houses (60+ hours) (U.S.A)
Extracurriculars :
Soccer and Volleyball ( freshmen and sophomore ) (JV)
Internship at Fred Hutch cancer research in seattle, working on a publication right now.
Will make a presentstion about my prohect at the end of the internship
Tutor Maths and English (Egypt ) for summer school grades 5th,6th and 7th
Didnā€™t patricipate in any clubs in junior year because of all the family conditions (and therr are no such things in Egypt) but probably going to join Maths club, Science Olympiad and Science fair next year.
High school Scouts (Egypt)
Children High school servant in church (Egypt & USA)
Choir and hymns church (Egypt & USA)

I know my conditions sre weird compared to anyone else here but thatā€™s just the way it is.

It is futile to chance. Just apply to few BS/MD programs & to few colleges for regular UG.
It takes time to get used to a new country and hence if not BS/MD, you are capable to find a way to reach your goal via the regular MD route.
Too stretch yourself thin at this point for BS/MD. Just start focusing on writing a solid primary application and other secondary essays.
Prioritize your activities and optimize your time.