***Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants***

Non ORM have different meaning of Fit. They value things like sports, greek life, dorms, financial aid etc… Fit for ORMs means prestige, getting good grades, research opportunities and less racism.

The supplemental request was sent to him 12/20. He got the invite to the interview a few days ago.

I saw on VCU’S website that they will meet the 3rd week in January and decide who gets an interview.


To repeat myself with an example from the past, given a choice which marathon would you like to run? A regular marathon or the marathon of an Iron Man Triathlon (preceded by a 2.5 mile swim and proceeded by a 110 mile bike ride) ?

There may be people who may prefer the latter and feel they can do better in that format, that is their wish and choice, but I would imagine most opting the former.

NU-HPME follows a 10-week quarter system.
Most HPME students do their undergrad at Weinberg Arts &Science, meaning it has a liberal arts focus.

The quarter system keeps them on their toes but students select a their courses such that they balance their “hard” classes with “easy” classes.

Have not heard of any burnouts, so far.

Has anyone heard back from Rutgers about ba/md since they are supposed to come out today

Any update from VCU? Though their website mentions about 3rd week, they have sent interviews on 9th/10th Jan in last couple of years. Pls post here if anyone heard back.

Also anyone received any info about merit scholarship awards after receiving honors college letter in Dec?

@rk2017 Can you please categorize different BSMD programs and traditional programs into regular marathon and Iron Man Triathlons for newbies? Any programs qualify as 10K walk/run?

Dear @srk2017 the name of this thread is “Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants”. You may please vent your frustration somewhere else and let the members focus on getting help on their applications. Thanks in advance for your cooperation!

cc: @rk2017 @NoviceDad

@Zephyr212 - My frustration? where is that coming from? I am perfectly happy with my son’s outcomes and progress in college. I DO NOT initiate any BSMD vs traditional path conversations but I respond only to make the arguments for the benefit of others. Check the history of that debate in this years thread as well as last 2 years! If you don’t agree with my arguments you can counter argue or believe others opinions but do not throw false accusations!. I am not promoting one school or one path to medical school.

BTW, @rk2017 @NoviceDad are not moderators of this thread.

@srk2017 : Thanks for proofreading my sweet dream calculation !

Once in a while, I would wake up with this NIGHTMARE :smiley:

I had only $200,000 in my retirement nest, I went around to borrow $400,000 to fund my son’s education. Based on 7% compound interest rate and 10 years after he became a Primary Care Physician . The loan interest would have silently rolled up a gigantic snow ball of 800k. So my son would start to pay back $100,000/year in next 10 years till 40s provided his wife did not purchase fancy handbags and jewelries :slight_smile:

I did not yet dream about this scenerio. He and his wife both graduated from med school carrying 2 huge snowballs and 1 kid.

Has anyone heard from Rutgers/NJMS as yet? What about Drexel?


My D just received an email for first round telephonic interview next Wednesday (1/15) from Rutgers-Newark BA/MD.

[quote=“srk2017, post:1910, topic:2054445”]

@Zephyr212 - My frustration? where is that coming from? I…

I will try one more time (last time) in a very polite manner - Dear @srk2017 the name of this thread is “Official Thread for 2020 BSMD applicants”. Please let the applicants focus on getting help on their applications. Thanks in advance for your cooperation!

If you want to help constructively in answering application and interview questions you are most welcome.

If you do not have a kid who is a 2020BSMD applicant and / or have no intention to help in application / interview process then why are you stalking this thread or it’s members?


You won’t be borrowing 400k on day one to start with right? Perhaps you have the first two or three years covered and will start borrowing subsequently in increments of whatever per semester, spread over the next 4 or 5 years. Part of it is interest free too (though tiny) till 6 months after the student graduates.


My analogy is not specific to any program but rather to the paths. The triathlon roughly correlates to undergrad, med school and residency (with no gaps or breaks as in Iron man). This is something each student and family has to decide, provided having both the options open. Otherwise no point.

Also I mentioned in previous years and to reiterate, if money making is someone’s goal of trying to enter this profession, you are perhaps better off elsewhere. Lot of other fields offer lot many opportunities to go up the ladder much faster.

Has anyone received Rutgers interview notifs as of this noon

I’m a newbie here. I’m interested to find out the interview format for the interview with Baylor College of Medicine (2nd leg of the Baylor-Baylor) program. I’ve heard BCM conducts traditional interviews (30min with one interviewer). I’d like to confirm if this is true.

Also, my kid just got an invitation to apply to Tulame Pathway to Medicine. Is this a large pool of invitees for a yield of ?? interviewees? Does anyone here know how many Tulane accepts to TPM last year and the year before? The application is due in two weeks. It’s tempting but if the chance is so low, he might have to thik about this. The decision to apply would have been simple if we know that he got the full-tuition scholarship, but the results for PTA and DHS won’t come out until Feb, after the deadliine for TPM.

Any info on Baylor-Baylor and Tulane Pathway to Medicine would be greatly appreciated!

@Zephyr212 - Watch what you are saying! Check the full thread. People tagged me and asked for some questions and also others brought up BSMD Vs traditional discussion in this thread so I am giving my opinion just like other parents. I even said let’s not discuss the topic until March, but people brought it up again and I again stated my positions. If you don’t want to read those you can skip and focus on the info you need. These are free forums and moderators closely monitor and remove the messages or suspend membership if needed.

@orm2020 - I don’t recall proof reading your calculations. As I said before everyone has to make the decision based on their strengths and weaknesses. One thing i advise people (who ask me) is not borrow from retirement funds to pay for college. Biggest issue with BSMD programs are the cost and parents think they can gain that by working one year early.

But I see couple of issues

  1. you are borrowing from retirement to fund kids education and 2. you probably won’t ask your child to pay it back and there by putting your retirement at risk. Remember we are living longer and healthcare costs are increasing.

If kid is willing to put time and effort, traditional path is not as scary as some folks tout here and no reason to raid retirement funds to finance college funds. Listen to your kid and have a honest conversation. Over last two year lot of parents (and some kids) reached out to me over PM since they are too scared to us about traditional path. Based on their individual situation I advised. Again I have no vested interested or not stuck to one path. one kid in my family is in BSMD program and I am advising a friend’s daughter for this cycle.

@bsmdparent1234 ,@brainbuilder02 , @BSMD2020Tired , Still waiting for the email about Rutgers/NJMS. Looks like the interview dates are sent out.

If we don’t receive the email till now, does that mean they are not qualified for the interview?

What is the process for Rutgers? Do they notify if they are denied for first interview?