***Official Thread for BSMD Applicants 2018***

Although FAU is newer, the match rate is 100% (impressive and competitive residencies too)

Got into FAU a while back. They interviewed National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists first.

@bsmdree No this is not TAP-TIP program. This is TPM Tulane Pathway to Medicine 8 year program. You can’t find the information online. Because this program currently in its first year.we have applied just for undergrad and after got in their honors program based on his impressive achievements they offered him this program. This is new program. We don’t know how good is their medical college and the place to live there.

@Greatman123 : "we have applied just for undergrad and after got in their honors program based on his impressive achievements they offered him this program. "

Either TAP-TIP or TPM program, Tulane wants applicants to matriculate school FIRST before offers applicants this program.

If your son has decided to attend Tulane then nothing he can lose by applying TPM.
(Please confirm with school that TPM is not a binding program)

Congratulations to all folks who have received acceptances!
All the best for all who are interviewing.

What would be U of Pitts interview format? Standard or MMI

@Metsfan7860 wow- tons of interviews! Good luck! I’m sure u have at least 1 program in your pocket

@bsmdegree, it seems you are not aware of this program. Initially as I said this is brand new program. Can Apply this one with invitation only. The interview will be on this Monday and they will let us know the result by the end of the week.

@bsmdegree even we don’t know about this program until they send us the invitation to apply.

@bsmdegree even we don’t know about this program until they send us the invitation to apply.

I have a D in Calc AB right now and might only be able to bring it up to a C/C+: our teacher told us she would be taking out the “buffer” for the seniors because “mid year reports have already been sent out” (???) and I got a really bad grade on an important test. My other grades are holding steady and maybe a little better than they were before. Do you guys think that Stony Brook/NJIT/other colleges might rescind my full scholarships and/or admission if I end with a single shoddy (C/D) grade in a quarter of Calc, taking into account that my math record has been a B+ throughout high school? I’m super worried.

Does anyone here have in-depth experience/knowledge of how good Northeastern University (not Northwestern) is for for undergrad degree while pursuing pre-med courses? We are making our plan B, in case BSMD doesn’t work out and weighing all the pros and cons of the various undergrad schools my DD has been accepted.at. I would appreciate any info regarding Northeastern specifically for pre-med. Thank you!

@Greatman123 Just wonder what kind of mysterious program a University may have that its invitees are not even educated and expected to make decision? Something is too good be true then that is the case indeed. I would have send an email/phone call and ask for more information to school directly and something on their online site with details (FAQ is best way to head start if you don’t event have basic information about program) to refer.

@TTV2018 I have no information about Northeastern, but I am right there with you helping create a plan B (and C
 options are good). :slight_smile:

@TTV2018 One of my friends was premed in NEU and she said it pretty much you get out what you put in. According to her, the advising wasn’t that great (but when is it ever), but because you’re in Boston you have lots of opportunities at top tier medical facilities you would not have had otherwise, especially if you decide to coop with them or do research with them. Don’t know much about the classes and whatnot but it seems like a good option.

Thanks a lot @Tanzerina My daughter has kind of already chosen Binghamton if she is going traditional route, as she has good friends going there this Fall. But she got merit scholarships from the undergrads so we are trying weigh all the options. What you said about Northeastern seems to be true for most other decent undergrad schools for pre-med. Thank you for the info!

Which NJ school would you say is the best for pre-med. I am trying to decide between Rutgers, NJIT, or TCNJ. I have applied to a few top-tier schools (Vandy, Georgetown, Case, Etc
) but given their tuition and me being a IS resident, those are my most viable options.

Rutgers is huge - several campus spread over several places like Busch campus etc,
TCNJ is Ewing more rural and dwon closer to central part of state

NJIT is three blocks from NJMS in central ward of Newark-more inner city where i work

All are different and you should probably visit each since you are in state
 Premed and education is not mainly the school -School is just shell–it is what you put into it.
PM me to get information from actual students who went to these campuses

They won’t see the grade but why are you scoring what you are scoring

College is more work and lots of temptations
It takes discipline and seriousness to survive either bsmd or traditional route

That message was to mouse2