OFFICIAL UCLA rejects thread!

<p>Rejected… I guess? I just got that 3 column **** on ursa. Whatevs I wasn’t expecting to get in.</p>

<p>no we didnt cityofangels, but we cant take the hint when we see it. ■■■.</p>

<p>what are you guys talking about? 2 columns? 3 columns?</p>

<p>where? what?</p>

<p>i still think that it’s premature to come to a conclusion yet.</p>

<p>what is going on?</p>

<p>another reject…</p>

<p>how do you know it still can’t get updated?
i’ve resisted checking all day, i’m waiting for the official email. lol-_-</p>


<p>Rejected also</p>

<p>Three columns. I am assuming rejection.</p>


<p>All rejections, like Gaul, are divided into three parts.</p>

<p>[Three Column Rejection](<a href=“http://i43.■■■■■■■.com/281cfd.jpg”>http://i43.■■■■■■■.com/281cfd.jpg&lt;/a&gt;)</p>

<p>how the hell do y’all know that 2 columns = accepted and 3 columns = rejected?!</p>

<p>They’re just waiting 'till tomorrow to accept all the cool people! <em>sob</em> yeah…
Rejection from SD and LA does not bode well for me come March 26th…</p>

<p>@perry Two Column : <a href=“ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs”>ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs;

<p>Boy, I’d love to hear from with the three column with stats that should be a lock for acceptance, like a UC WGPA of 4.5 and 2300 SAT’s.That would provide a glimmer of hope.</p>

<p>My three column S has 2270 and a 4.0 UC WGPA, but that is no lock.</p>

<p>He made Regents at UCSB, which you’d think at least merit admission to UCLA.</p>

<p>anyone on this thread think that his/her scores/ec’s/etc. merit an acceptance? or do you all know why you got rejected?</p>

<p>(my scores were horrible, which i know is why i wasn’t accepted)</p>

<p>thanks ponies. omg that was really helpful. :)</p>

<p>@perry: I just figure that if you were going to get rejected they’d say something like “reject”</p>


<p>I didn’t get anything… 2240 SAT, 3.85 UC GPA (4.0+ regular weighted), Editor-in-Chief, and all that jazz. I really… feel like crying. It’s a horrible feeling.</p>

<p>Whats the link for checking if you’re two column or three column? If my financial aid Epal thing is up does that mean I’m accepted?</p>