<p>EC: I have other stuff, but these are my main ones</p>
<p>VERY actively involved in national circuit LD debate Tourny Champion,</p>
<p>debate captain</p>
<p>CEO and founder of a non-profit corporation to help teach kids of any economical background how to debate to help spread debate knowledge/participation.
(300 hrs)</p>
<p>mediocre? you’re GPA isn’t the best (comparitively, of course. in any sane universe, that GPA would be just fine), but your SATs are phenomenal, and more importantly, you founded a non-profit. i haven’t done anything NEARLY that cool (:</p>
<p>Umm. My stats are pretty mediocre. GPA is bad. My counselor told me I had no chance at Brown or UC Berkeley. Everyone else at my school that has gotten into a really good school so far (MIT, caltech, UPenn, Columbia, Stanford, etc.) had much much more amazing things. Sorry if was confused.</p>
<p>I mean, my school enforces this “if you don’t have a 4.0, you will never get into an ivy” mentality.</p>
<p>^ well, if you read about people on cc who’ve gotten into ivies w/o 4.0’s you’d see that isn’t true. (thank god. o_o’) And it sounds like you know that it isn’t true…</p>
<p>Anyways, all we can do now is wait. Good luck ^_^</p>
<p>don’t listen to your counselor. from my experience, they frankly don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. plenty of people with less than a 4.0 are currently attending ivy leagues (thankfully o_0). all we can do at this point is cross our fingers and hope for the best.</p>
<p>hahaha, omg. Im so making a thread with 2400 SAT score, 36 ACT score, and a 4.5/4.0…taking every AP in the world! Lmao…that would be a good one! Just sit back and relax son, chill :)</p>