<p>I thought the UC application personal statement meant 1000 words for each. Mine are both 990. Oh my god I am so stupid. What do I do.</p>
<p>I’m freaking out</p>
<p>So you didn’t already submit the application, correct?</p>
<p>Just do some major abridging. :)</p>
<p>chill. just try to cut both down to about 750. Don’t stress about 500 specifically, just do anything you can to chop out unnecessary words, phrases, sentences, and even paragraphs. Heck, rewrite an essay if you have to (I just started one of mine right now :))</p>
<p>No, I haven’t submitted it. But oh my gosh these took a look of thought. Ah. It’s gonna be a fun night. Thankfully, I also have a huge chemistry test tomorrow where I haven’t done any of the homework for the chapter.</p>
<p>Heh, I know what you mean. I’ve yet to write my second essay, and I have a massive load of statistics and calculus due tomorrow, including a quiz in each class. >_<</p>
<p>Procrastination is just like masturbation, in the end you’re just screwing yourself over.</p>
<p>Maybe I’ll just make my UC essay that single quote.</p>
<p>It certainly rings true.</p>
<p>And I have quite a history of screwing myself over. :(</p>
<p>I’ll let you CC’ers determine the method. ;)</p>
<p>Hahah. So do I. Subject tests this weekend, haven’t opened a book yet.</p>
<p>beardy: how is masturbation screwing yourself over?</p>
<p>^ epic fail.</p>
<p>Once explained, jokes tend to lose their humor.</p>