Im a transfer applicant to U of miami for the spring semester. I went to my high school and wondered why they hadnt sent my transcripts even though i had asked them like 3 weeks ago and they said that they had the wrong adresses to the schools. So they tell me to get the right adresses and bring them back, i do that but when I gave her the envelope for U of Miami I forgot to write p.o. box before the number. Its suppose to say University of miami admissions office p.o. box 249117, but the one I gave her doesnt say p.o. box. Will my transcripts get lost in the mail or will they get to the school?
<p>Man, that sucks, when is the deadline to send in the trancript?</p>
<p>Im not sure, they say they look at apps up until space is full for the semster. I sent my app in early but it really doesnt help me becuase they dont have my transcripts.</p>