Oh no - I accidentally messed up her online final by opening her door!

She had a note on her door but it was tiny and the hallway was a little dark and I didn’t see it – I did a little knock and opened it like I always do – and I guess it was detected and it shut her out of the rest of the exam. She has tried and tried to get a hold of her professor and no response. The exam time is almost over and she is so stressed. I feel so badly.

Do you think they will give her another chance to finish?

On another note this particular professor has been super unresponsive and unavailable ever since this whole covid online semester started. Under the circumstances it seems like professors should try to be more responsive – this whole situation is not perfect and things totally happen. The only phone numbers the students have are the offices at school and nobody is there!

This situation is the worst

I am so sorry, I can imagine the stress you are feeling. Perhaps contact the dept head and academic dean as well. Even though no one is in the office, I am sure people are doing email daily.

Good luck, I hope (and think it will) turn out ok!

I did tell her to contact the department head – she is doing that now. I feel so badly for it! ARGH

That’s crazy that opening a door would cause the final to shut down! What do people do who have a small apartment and are sharing rooms?

Hope that it gets remedied quickly!

So sorry this is causing you so much stress right now :frowning:

These online test proctoring methods have so many cheating protections, including detecting movement in the room! And I agree that would be problematic is some students’ environments.

EEK! Sounds like students who take these kinds of test should keep pets out of the room as well, which is something I wouldn’t have really thought about. My S has 2 more finals left and I will be staying away from his room-thanks for the warning! Please post with what happens.

She got a hold of the nursing director who got a hold of the professor – they could clearly see the video of what happened and that is was an accident and she wasn’t cheating or anything. They reset the test for her and she took it last night. All is well now! PHEW…

So glad everything worked out, I am sure it was stressful all around. Now, on to another day to see what covid-19 situations crop up for all of us!

Thanks @toomanyteens , this is a useful post. I hope plenty of people see it, both students and parents.

So glad it worked out! Thanks for letting us know!

@toomanyteens Thanks for posting the outcome…good news! This is a great reminder. I don’t think my son’s last 2 finals have the cheating software but I’m still not going anywhere near his room in the next 2 days just in case!