OHH My Gosh!! Please Someone Help! Need heavy duty clarification!

<p>So i am entering my ACT results for being sent to my colleges...i added 8 colleges and now it wont let me add anymore but i want to send them to a total of 10! Is this normal can you only send 8 at a time. Do i need to submit these and then re log in and do the other two!!! AHHH please someone i need to do this.</p>

<p>thanks A BUNCH!!!</p>

<p>sorry to be annoying but bump really need an answer, lol sorry guys</p>


<p>why cant you just do 8 and then do the next 2 separately?</p>

<p>i am saying can i??? can i submit the first 8 and resign in go back and do the next 2 is that fine? is that what you suppose to do?</p>

<p>Uh, yeah, do 8 then 2. They don't burn your scores after sending them to eight schools.</p>

<p>chill out bra</p>

<p>i am calm now, everything is good. thanks for the help everyone.</p>

<p>last question for the night...</p>

<p>how do i track my sent scores or know when each university has received my scores?</p>

<p>You know your scores have been sent when your credit card has been charged. You can also call ACT and ask. You can't know the school has received them without contacting the school.</p>