Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

The campus question? Also, click on the “Self Service” tab right under osu.edu in the top left. then click “Student Admission”.

yep campus question and the college im attending/ admitted to one as well. and omg yep i just found it. it also says accept admission. idk that’s weird and weird that it was so hard to find.

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Me too

Has anyone checked scholarship universe and/or the student admissions tab and it’s not locked or doesn’t say accept admission?

Mine is locked as well. Although I do not know of it being anything good. I do know that pretty much everyone who I have seen on this who previously had that has gotten in. But who knows.

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got accepted in December for biology. OOS

My campus question in scholarship universe is not locked.

so are we all collectively agreeing that most likely everyone has the accept admissions tab and it probably doesn’t mean anything?

I would agree to that. I think the Scholarship Universe locked campus and school is a little more of an indicator that a decision might be coming, but not absolute.

At this point the decision itself is going to have to be our indicator! Hopefully some come today…

The ‘Accept Admission’ tab is new for most people on here (not everyone) so it seems like the office has been very active and hopefully we won’t all have to wait until Jan 29 for a decision. Good luck!

Thank you, Amytude, I’m sure she will. Technically, she’s only been deferred and might be admitted in March, but I think she has mentally moved on from OSU. Especially after being admitted to other universities!

Hello, I know you said your daughter got deffered. What were her stats? I’m not trying to be nosy, i’m just really nervous about getting in with my stats. Thank You!

My girl is OOS, applying to schools for Elementary Education, 3.34 unweighted GPA at a rigorous high school in suburban Boston, 29 on the ACT, varsity rugby & some other volunteer experiences.

Got into Fisher on Jan 4!
3.96 weighted GPA
1340 SAT
3 Leadership positions, creator of a blog, and I’ve taken 8+ business courses at my high school

OOS accepted in December
3.8 uw/ 4.1 w gpa
Couple aps and 4 honors
No sports
2 clubs
Started own business

my scholarship universe questions are locked, and i see the accept admission button as well. fingers crossed for osu!!


My daughter was admitted in December. She also got the Morrill Prominence Award, OOS, full-tuition, and have been selected to interview for the full-ride distinction award! She applied for Scholars and was notified she got her first choice & has been admitted to program. Hopefully she gets the full ride package. Very blessed nonetheless. Good luck to everyone.


Congrats to her! That’s awesome to get accepted into both this early.

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@jmg11534 Congratulations! That is incredible. Wishing her the best of luck!

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Congrats… Great Job!!! My son is OOS and just got notified he got Schoalrs (did not apply for MSP). What scholars program is she doing?