Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

Please don’t sneak into dorms if you go to campus. Students live there for goodness sake. Parents were not even allowed in the dorms when moving kids back in for second semester.


There is a navigable virtual school tour

And the housing website has floor plans and 3D room views of sample dorm rooms

We did not sneak in. We walked right in the front door and the student actually checked us in the front desk. We did not go upstairs only my son did. We chose to stay downstairs. I am not sure what the rules are but we specifically said we didn’t want to break any. The student told me that they are allowed to bring in guests as long as they are escorted by a current student and checked in and temp taken. They said the big change is that students can’t just go from dorm to dorm using their key card the way they used to and visitors can’t just walk in.

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I’m glad you didn’t sneak in. The rule is no visitors (not parents, not other students from other dorms, nobody). As of a month ago that was still the case, because like I said parents were not allowed in to help kids move back in. Maybe the student you were with had a buddy working the front desk that made an exception.

That I can’t tell you. I just know we literally walked in the front door and he told the person at the front desk that he wanted to show my son the dorm because he would be staying in that one next year. We chose not to go upstairs because I didn’t want to intrude on the conversation. I am not sure of the actual rules. I can tell you they are definitely letting kids from other dorms in (with someone who lives there) because I saw a ton of that while I was waiting outside. Again not sure if it is allowed but they were going in and out. When we got to the library and union we asked if we could walk around and they said as long as we had a mask it was fine. The Union actually gave him a welcome gift. It was also a snowy Sunday so everything was empty, that may have helped.

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Just a heads-up. Aerospace at Ohio State is combined with the Mechanical Engineering department, which is necessarily a negative thing. With Air Force Research Laboratory, John Glenn NASA facility up in Cleveland, and GE Aviation there are lots of research opportunities that Ohio State has connections to.

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Is the application portal down for anyone else?

Down every Sunday morning for maintenance.

The rules are changing - I don’t know what they are exactly, but I do know my S was excited that student organizations are finally able to meet in person again in small numbers with covid protocols.

The Union is really nice, I’m glad he got to see it. And hopefully he got a good feel for the place.

This is very helpful! Thank you!

can you request a specific dorm off this list? Standard Housing Rates : Housing and Residence Education

Or do they assign the dorms randomly?

He did. Always loved the school and fell in love with the school and town while we were there. We had to leave early because of the storm coming but it was great

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They let you request a part of campus and a housing rate. Then they assign a specific dorm and room to you (unless you are in Honors/scholars then there is a predetermined dorm).

Is anyone waiting to still hear from the design department for a decision? any idea on timing?

Does anyone know approximately how many honors applications there were this year and what percent are typically accepted? Thanks.

D21 Merit Scholarship award letter arrived today. As expected she received the $1k per year Trustee Scholarship. We are still awaiting notification one way or the other regarding the Morrill Scholarship.

So just got the letter in the mail. My son received the Trustees ($1k) and the National Buckeye ($13.5k). Based on his stats and using the Net Price Calculator, I was expecting the Provost ($2k) but after not getting a letter right away, I’m thrilled to be getting something. He did get in state tuition at Florida State so that by far is the best value but its going to be a difficult decision.

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@ab4924 Congratulations! I assume you are in-state? Good luck with Morrill.

We are still waiting and hoping for either National Buckeye or Morrill.

@worldfinds I assume you submitted a test score? Our HS doesn’t rank so I wasn’t sure how to fill out the class rank in the Net Price Calculator.

Excellent. Is it also in the Buckeye Email? We got the Digital Flagship and Learning Community “brochure” today. God, I hate waiting to hear for him.