Ohio State Class of 2025 Official Thread

Yes we are in state, thanks. My daughter did indeed submit her ACT score (30)

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Im not sure if its in her Buckeye Mail or not. The letter came after she went off to work

We check both given the “unpredictability” of the USPS; will an email come before actual letter or do they space em out enough that the letter should, in most cases, arrive first? Thanks
knowing you got yours lets us know things are moving.

I have heard merit only comes via snail mail.

Good to know. Maybe it ‘shows’ up in Buckeye link? Under SFA.

Just a letter in the mail. Ours showed up about 2 weeks after it was dated. Eventually the amount will show up under financial aid in Buckeyelink.

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THIS SCHOOL IS FRUSTRATING THE HECK OUT OF ME. I was also told snail mail only. Then I just hung up with undergraduate admissions. We were on for 29 minutes. He told me that merit goes out by email in the afternoon and then is followed up by a letter snail mail. The exact opposite of what I heard when I called last week. I don’t want to be too aggressive and frustrated (which in any other instance I would) because I don’t want it to affect my son


I can only imagine how frustrating this is. My sister and I had about a month of dealing with them before we had to withdraw our apps but it was always something different when we spoke to them and things never happened like they said it was.

Was this for admissions? Or merit? Both?

@ABW22003 It is about merit. I called earlier today and heard a similar thing. I also asked about when final decisions would be made about Morrill, which sounds like it is also the end of Feb?

Oh, and the gentleman I spoke with told me that they give merit to the people they think will enroll or have already enrolled. That’s definitely not the case in my school district, but who knows what the deal is elsewhere.


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It mystifies me how they operate. I am from FL and when FSU and UF come out (both get more apps than OSU) everyone finds out at the same time and admissions come with merit aid attached. this is non-sensical and depending on who you speak with you get a different story

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And I specifically asked “our friend” if they gave it to people who were likely to go there and he told me no. SMH

My daughter committed on 2/1
her merit letter is postmarked 2/19
so we got it 3 days after it went into the mail

@wlehockey It could be because you spoke with him after I enlightened him. :laughing:

I’m grateful I don’t have a third child that has to go through this stress!

Do you mind me asking you if she was admitted in December or January? My son doesn’t even have anything in the system yet. What were her stats?

She was admitted on 12/14

@ab4924 Do you mind me asking what state you are in and your daughter’s stats?

My son was an EA app, was admitted 1st week Dec. He hit ‘accept’ to OSU on the 13th of February, the night he accepted his athletic scholarship offer. We had three schools from which to choose and so that was causing a delay. In the SFA, it say “Student Athlete” but no numbers. We are OOS and the athletic money is no where near a full ride (Every bit is great, dont get me wrong!) but it combined with National Buckeye would be awesome. So our fingers are crossed.

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We are in state
her UW GPA is 3.96, W GPA is 4.34 and she had an ACT score of 30. She took a a combination of 10 AP or Dual enrollment courses and was involved in a half dozen or so extracurricular activities and worked part time (Junior and Senior year). At other schools she was typically offered merit scholarships equal to 50-80% of tuition including in and out of state.

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