I’m having such a hard time trying to figure out what out which our of the three I should go to, I think they’re all pretty comparable. I’m going to be majoring in animal science in hopes of becoming a vet, (I know I have to do more than that to become one) which school out of the three would you say would prepare me best for that career. If I chose Rutgers I would be paying in state tuition
Vet school is expensive (see https://www.aavmc.org/students-applicants-and-advisors/exploring-the-cost-of-a-veterinary-medical-education ), but vet jobs are not necessarily that high paying compared to the expected debt.
So it makes sense to choose a lower cost undergraduate school to avoid debt and save money.
I agree. ^^^ Rutgers is an excellent, affordable choice.
Did you get National Buckeye or other scholarships from tOSU? My daughter got Buckeye and Provost a couple years ago making OSU about the same as Rutgers and chose tOSU. If not, Rutgers.