Ohio State v. Fordham v. Elon v. IU v. Bentley for Finance/IB career

Goal is IB on Wall Street or in Chicago. Which of these business schools would you choose and why? I know none are Wharton, etc. !

Factors at play: quality instruction/career services, diversity, rah rah, safety, ability to live on campus up to 4 years. Son is a fitness buff, loves sports, concerts and parties. Current top contenders: Elon and OSU (great vibes after visit, acceptance to the additional programs he wanted, but obviously very different in size, safety, diversity, rah rah). Listing 1st year cost after merit (tuition + R&B). Willing/able to pay for the best fit. I have read many posts about these, but need help to whittle down this list based on the above:

Elon (Business Fellows) $44K (possibly $39k).

Ohio State (Business Scholars) $39K.

Fordham (Gabelli DA, no honors) $60K.

IU (Kelley DA, no honors) $56K.

Bentley (no honors) $66K.

IB is very difficult - but it can happen at any.

The obvious answer is IU - but it’s still going to be a struggle - and btw - most have no idea what IB is - and the grind and change anyway.

I’d likely go Ohio State next and then Elon who punches above its weight career wise.

Then Fordham based on proximity and then Bentley - which has wonderful career outcomes.

Why don’t you ask each school for their outcomes - and you can see on your own.

It’s more than this though - it’s fit - Ohio State is massive, IU big, Bentley focused (what if he has other interests), Elon smaller with not as much around in the immediate area, etc.

Where will he fit best?

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Ohio State gets small fast when you realize it’s actually several small compact colleges adjacent to one another.

Fisher is on the north end, adjacent to engineering. Most students spend most of their time in a relatively small area of campus.

A fairly far trek would be a south east dorm like Park Stradley to Hitchcock a north engineering building. Google has that walkable in 14 minutes, but a youthful stride across the Oval manages it in 10.

Blackburn, a north campus dorm to Fisher is a 4 minute walk on google maps.

There are also recreational and dining facilities sprinkled throughout campus and the north campus options are nice.


Well - when we were there it was massive :slight_smile: But yes, as a student, life is different.

I always tell my son how massive his school is - because you drive and drive - and he says but for where I go, not really. Va Tech is huge - but I know laid out so that it’s not…

so that’s a fair point.

He can live at Blackburn because he got into Business Scholars, so that is a huge plus–except I’m sure some 1st year classes will be far. Good exercise! What I need to find out is the expected size of the Scholars cohort.

Yes, that is the issue with Bentley–what “if” he changes his mind.

IU would have been at the top of his list if he got into one of their honors type programs or cost was not so different from Ohio State where he did get into a special program.

IU is ranked #8 in undergrad business. I was given a personal tour there last summer and was impressed to know that all 72 (I think that is the number) of their interview rooms are booked year round. You will have internship opportunities early on and exposure to many hiring companies, including IB. I’d highly recommend IU.

IU is a big program. Not sure how big Fisher is. I know everyone goes to IU for “prestige” but I always wonder on the day to day - of course, they do have a huge infrastructure to support such a fine program.

Do any of these interest him (Bentley, non business but perhaps not recruited??)

Yeah, the day to day I’m hearing is not good–at least very inconsistent. Some who never got an internship, but did end up with what they said was a good job a few months after graduation. Comments like the alumni network is overrated, advisors hit or miss, class difficulty if not in honors (this concerns me a lot).

Sure, those other programs interest him but not my wallet at the Bentley price :slight_smile:

meant to add–he’s very good at math, so anything with advanced math is probably up his alley. The apple fell far from the tree on that one.

I would argue the alumni network is overrated everywhere. I know students at both A&M and PSU that had no success reaching out…I mean, people can’t just hire you. Can they guide - sure - but I would not personally choose a school due to that.

I haven’t heard bad about Kelley. I just know it’s huge !! Fisher may be too - no idea how big it is.

True–it’s probably what you make of it no matter where you go.

In my experience (3+ decades) of IB in NYC Fordham places the most kids (by a wide margin)of the options you list. Typically internship opportunities emerge for Gabelli students relatively early once on campus and all major banks actively recruit on campus. Fordham also has an extensive and well placed alumni network.

Arthur Avenue is a great place to eat and of course you are in close proximity to all that NYC has to offer.

I have no personal ties to the school but have been very impressed with the numerous Fordham alum I have recruited and or worked with.

If not sure about IB, financial or capital markets, etc or NYC I would likely change my recommendation.

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Here is a nice story about an Elon Business Fellow who interned with Goldman Sachs and will be working there after graduation. Very good instruction and career services and close relationships with Fellows and faculty. Elon is not very diverse though, so if that’s important, Fordham is much more diverse. I know a student at IU Kelley who is very happy there.

Ava is a gem. We met her in person, and truly, a star through and through. Her accolades about the program there boosted the school in our eyes so much.

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I’ve heard her say that she chose Elon over UVA and Wake Forest, which would surprise many CCers, I think.

I hear everyone say this about Gabelli and there’s lots of alumni on linkedin in the industry.

But they don’t appear on feeder lists - for whatever the reason - at least that I’ve seen. I would think they would given proximity. Rutgers, for example, appears on several I’ve seen and doesn’t have near the proximity.

Just an observation. I’m sure it’s a fine school.

I’ll bet! I’m trying to do my due diligence comparing these schools, but feel none will have the secret sauce that Elon has. No place will be perfect. My son’s only concern about Elon is if he will get bored. It’s not a diverse school, but everyone we encountered was very welcoming and friendly.

I am not talking about “feeder lists” I am describing the people that sit within close proximity to me.

I would think your opinion might change if you had ever been on Fordham’s campus or worked or recruited for an investment bank.

I am not expressing an opinion or pointing to third party sources but instead sharing my experience.


The Outdoors Club takes some great trips if he is a fitness buff

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Seriously? Feeder lists? Over people who work or recruit or place people in IB?

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