<p>So . . . D2 is making the Bobcat plunge, and while we're relieved a decision's been made, we're beginning to examine some of the "fringe bennies" of OU attendance (from a co-ed's point of view). The theme that appears to recur with some frequency, is an allusion to OU's legendary party scene. </p>
<p>Help us sort rumor from fact: is it true that the month of October is one long bar brawl in Athens? Exactly HOW hellish is OU's annual Halloween bash? Are there any living areas (or "greens") known for excessive partying that we might want to think about avoiding?</p>
<p>its only a party school if you party.</p>
<p>And as a freshmen they will have little to no say on the green choice. But I have lived in those dorms. The major parties are held in apartments and frats, not undergrad dorms.</p>
<p>Don’t let this silly rep get in the way. It’s more than a party school, and fyi: EVERY college is the same, just you may not always hear about it.</p>
<p>Thnx lletnahc. After visiting this weekend, we’re Ohio converts. No more “silly rep” questions here! :-)</p>
<p>Is your daughter attending this fall? I’m transferring to OU from a small liberal arts college this fall!</p>
<p>Don’t quote me, but I think I heard West Green was more party oriented. I will probably be getting a single room on South Green. But I definitely wouldn’t recommend getting a single for the first year. I can justify it for me because I have already been through a year of college and have experienced the whole “getting along with the roommate” thing, and i think its something that everyone should have to go through.</p>
<p>LOL!! I remember my first college roomie. Not so good! But we’re FB pals today.
It is indeed a rite of passage. Yepper, my D WILL be attending this fall -and getting the luck of the roommate draw! </p>
<p>My oldest was lucky. She LOVED her frosh roomie (at a small liberal arts u) and as of next year, they’ll have lived together all four years.</p>
<p>I think OU is letting students select their room and roommate next year, at least for transfers, i know i get to choose my room on May 23 (i think). My cousin is a freshman there this year, and she requested a room on one green and ended up in the dorm farthest from! I’m not sure how much incoming students are “guaranteed” the room they choose this year though. Im not sure how their new room selection works.</p>