Ok im now screwed on leadership positions for good

<p>I had planned on starting a computer programming club at my school to learn C# and would have been president of it. Unfortunately, no one came to the first meeting today. Ugh it ****es me off how uninterested everyone is in computers at my school for any other purpose besides games...Now that I have to scrap that idea, ill prbly have no leadership positions except for being team captain on JETS and maybe Science Bowl. What should I do to compensate for this? Im thinking i could either take more time to do community service or I could go ahead and self-study C# anyway. What do yall think?</p>

<p>What grade are you in? Team captains count! Learn C on your own, and try again next semester for the programming club - maybe people are too busy right now.</p>

<p>Maybe the reason why no one showed up was because you only started it because you wanted a leadership position.</p>

<p>If youre really interested in computer programming, you could try the USACO.</p>

<p>the computer programming department at my school sucks and the classes ive taken havent prepared me enough for USACO. Theres no chance in hell id win.</p>

<p>so? you should still try. its a good experience even if you do poorly on the test.</p>

<p>i thought the deadline for this years competition already passed. is there still time to register?</p>

<p>It's already started, but you can join in whenever you want to.</p>

<p>Yeah dude, def try USACO. I've been going at it for a year+ now. Still at bronze level(yes, I suck at competition ;p), but I've learned so much stuff. Also, everytime I learn a new thing in programming(like efficiencies of built in sorting algorithms in STL), I can apply it there!</p>

<p>sweetness! well ill look into it. Does anyone have a link to some good sample problems from it?</p>

<p>There is a whole excellent online free training program. It operates just like the online competition. <a href="http://www.usaco.org/%5B/url%5D"&gt;www.usaco.org/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>