OK so I've been defered...

<p>...into RD. I', a little annoyed however the letter states that "...early action was only offered to a small number of our most competitive candidates" which, I suppose seems consistent to what was posted on here as most everyone who was admitted EA received a scholarship. </p>

<p>They want me to send my last semester grades (which I'm happy to do because I got a 4.05 including two AP's and an Honors class) </p>

<p>However, they also state "We also welcome any additional information you may wish to provide". Does this mean I should submit something additional? Should I include a letter addressing why I want to go to USD/why USD would be a good fit for me? Any opinions would be great...</p>

<p>Since they are inviting more info, I would write one page, including any and all of the following that apply:</p>

<li><p>Still very interested.</p></li>
<li><p>BRIEF, and remember they are getting midyear report, school progress.</p></li>
<li><p>Anything outside of school (continuing volunteer, work anything).</p></li>

<p>Remember, some EA candidates will not accept, and the school will regroup. This is a tough year for finaid, and even what seem to be very generous may not be enough for some families.</p>

<p>Yea I sent my transcript and a letter with all of those components in it a few weeks ago… I expect I’ll hear something in April. How much are endowments down this year for private schools? Are fin aid offers down significantly?</p>

<p>In general – a lot and yes. Not for ivies, but for lots of others</p>