<p>yeah I've had trouble figuring out how I'd put that stuff in without sounding whiney, or "look at me I'm so special because all this happened to me". I was thinking of saying with all that stuff going on, I used all my artsy stuff to keep my mind off of it. I'm also having issues with the CommonApp, like should I use the fav EC part for my fav EC even though they only want 150 words? I was kind of hoping to use that in my personal statement. Oh well, neither LMU nor Chapman use the CommonApp hah. I think Nashville has half a million people, I'm not sure if thats considered rural haha. Man, I hate rednecks. Their big trucks taking my parking space. And the way they talk. AHH I'll be happy to be gone.</p>
<p>hey jusgimmethegun - yeah i agree sometimes doctors can be a little slow, and not only at Vandy! (we've been over the country to see diff. doctors) but then, neuroscience is so complicated and so little is really known about it.</p>
<p>anyways, i might apply to Chapman - its rolling admissions so i am not too worried over it right now. I probably will end up applying... but i'm using BU (which i think i prefer over Chapman) as my safety (and BU has an amazing film program, plus they are <em>supposedly</em> good with aid/scholarships). i dont know... cali IS the place for film! Even though i love Boston.</p>
<p>and i think you can totally talk about your fav EC in both the short answer and your essay... well, that's what i'm doing... :)</p>
<p>maybe it will show your passion for the arts more?</p>
<p>Hmmm I'll have to look at BU, although as you say "cali IS the place for film!" haha. Despite cliches it's so true.</p>
<p>I think I have an idea... I'll talk about my favorite EC(film club... well hopefully) and then in the long one give the details(Why? How long? Blah blah), showing like how thats my true passion. I heard you are supposed to be flowy in your app so I think this is a good route to take. I think it will show my passion for the arts and focus also. What do you think?</p>
<p>Yeah check out BU, its pretty cool. (and I bet the transportation to Boston is cheaper than going across the country, too, lol).</p>
<p>I think your essays will work out well, and it will probably define who you are more.</p>
<p>cali is the place for film b/c of the networking</p>
<p>yeah thats my fear with boston... I'll get a great film education, but I'll be sort of lost. Plus boston's like cold and whatnot.</p>
<p>You need to get your family background information into the GC rec. If your mom can discuss your situation with the GC it will have more of an impact. If she lists the situations you have had to work through and gives it to the GC, the GC will have it a hand when recommendation time comes around. That way, you don't come off as whiny, but can talk about the strength, independance and creativity you have gained.</p>
<p>BTW, you sound feisty enough to be a film maker, and I wish you all the best.</p>
<p>Yeah I GUESS the GC would be a good idea... Ugh I hate talking about stuff like that, I don't like special treatment, I like to earn everything(I've always said if someone just offered me a chance to act/direct in a big movie just randomly... well I'd probably still take it, but I'd certainly wish I had earned it, gosh dangit.)</p>
<p>curious how you've survived your life. you've lived in shelters, sick mom, took care of the household, worked a full time job.... do you sleep? do you have free time? do you relax? perhaps namaste is just extremely sheltered.</p>
<p>Actually I haven't lived in a shelter since I was like 4 haha, my mom lived in a shelter and I went from family to family while she did so. This was right when she started getting sick(she cant walk anymore). During the school year I didn't usually work over 40 hours, most of which was squeezed into the weekend(I worked 16 hours one saturday) Do I sleep? haha I just woke up if that helps(although I have to leave really early because my school is like 30-40 mins away). I seem to find free time, and generally help me relax.</p>
<p>And namaste, I've never really viewed it as having to survive, I just use whatever opportunites available, and I don't worry about the ones that aren't. I'll get those, and when I do... I've earned it.</p>
<p>what a different.. and somewhat refreshing view of life.</p>
<p>Hmmm I've been pondering... what if I sort of use this as an essay topic. Like through my struggles I used the one thing I had going for me - artistic talent - to keep my mind off my problems and actually help me maintain decent grades. What do you think?</p>
<p>That is a good topic. It lets you mention your struggles, but keeps the focus on you - and your artistic worldview in particular.</p>
<p>Apply to NYU as well. I know it's cold, but it is a major filmmaking center. Get a coat.</p>
<p>Hmmm I'll definitely look into it. But I heard that NYU doesnt really have a campus? I don't know if I could go for that....</p>
<p>This essay topic is a pretty rough one to do</p>