Old AP Scores

<p>How do I send my previous AP scores? I looked on College Board and they said to call but have your AP number. Any suggestions?</p>

<p>yeah you gotta call collegeboard and they charge you and they send all your scores to the college of your choice</p>

<p>your ap number should be on the letter that they sent your scores on to your home</p>

<p>AP score report is cumulative; so if you took the AP tests in May and designated the scores to be sent, then ALL scores would have been submitted.</p>

<p>If you did not take the AP tests in May, then you have to follow the instructions given by College Board to request a score report to be sent.</p>

<p>Not sure if it’s actually cumulative… UCLA got this year’s AP scores from me but not last years’s.</p>

<p>@jchen50, you need to check with College Board to make sure you don’t have multiple files. If you spelled your name differently or used/not used your social security number, College Board may have stored your scores separately.</p>

<p>If you DID designate UCLA as the recipient back in May, they SHOULD have gotten all your ap scores, past and present. They received all mine. However there have been some mistakes being made I heard, like it being in the database but not in the server and stuff like that. I’d call UCLA to make sure, THEN collegeboard. :)</p>