<p>Does anyone know if the AP tests for Psychology, Comparative Gov'ts, and Statistics have changed in a major way over the last 4 years or so? </p>
<p>I'm self studying Psych and Comp Gov (because i like them, not because they're easy. <em>really</em>) and don't feel like shelling out $20+ for a new book that I really won't use all that much.</p>
<p>hey nice username, my sisters a hardcore figure skater 
anyways for psych i know modern psych has changed a lot but pretty much all of the basic stuff that most of the test would cover are the same, like the basic function of the hypothalamus is still the same</p>
<p>I have the same question!
I wanna buy the Comparative Government Ethel Wood guide, but the earlier copies are around $15 cheaper. Does it make a big difference?</p>
<p>Strange, I actually haven’t heard of Ethel Wood’s guide. </p>
<p>I did order my book(s) yesterday though. 10 dollars for 3. I loovee cheap things! (sorry, random) </p>
<p>Meh. Knowing me, I’ll end up with 5 different review guides for the same test and only use one of them. go figure…</p>
<p>Ooh! What book did you order for the AP Comparative exam?</p>
<p>I’m using an AP Euro review book from 2001 (ah, Arco). It hasn’t been too bad so far.</p>
<p>hard core figure skaters are cool yo~ xDD</p>