Ole Miss dorms: traditional vs contemporary

Filling out housing application as a incoming freshman this fall. I cannot seem to really get a feel for the pros and cons of traditional or contemporary dorms. If anyone could really share anything about them it would be appreciated!!

Try in the Ole Miss subforum.


I just stumbled on this by accident. If you plan to go out for rush you need to be in a traditional dorm, i.e. Twin Towers, a/k/a Stockard-Martin. If not, the residential dorms are better, although poorly located.

Unique to Ole Miss is a dormitory operated by the English Department, Kincannon Dormitory. Each of its floors represents one of Dante’s nine levels of hell. Although I would not recommend that anyone actually live there, the dorm is worth a visit just so people can gain a better understanding of Dante’s magnum opus. It is truly a dreadful place. Fortunately Kincannon is an anomaly, in that the other Ole Miss dorms are pretty decent.

@EarlVanDorn haha okay thank you! Martin it is :slight_smile:

@EarlVanDorn do you have any advice about freshman bringing a car vs. freshman not bringing a car
