<p>Alright everyone on here is making me nervous with there amazing stats!!!111 Pleasetell me if I'll get in!? </p>

<p>African-American Male
GPA 4.0 UW/5.0 W
SAT: 800 M/800 W/800 CR
I've taken only AP classes all throughout high school
Subject tests 800 Math 2/800 Physics/800 Chinese (I'm not Chinese) </p>

Varsity Football (9-12)
Varsity Basketball (9-12)
Varsity Baseball (9-12)
Class president (9-12)
Held job at Stater brothers (9-12) </p>

<p>I am an independent student. After my mother and father walked out on me at the age of 14 I was forced to pursue my education on my own and had to provide for my 5 brothers and sisters in my spare time.</p>

<p>Please!!1 I don't think I will get in, I don't think that my application shows enough leadership!1111!!?1</p>

<p>■■■■■! 10 char</p>

<p>Unfortunately, I’d say you have about a 10% chance. Hopefully you have good recs, but I’d look at other places. Good luck!</p>

<p>Crap!1 I guess Ill have to settle for chico state.</p>

<p>Oh, my. The only thing missing was your cancer cure. Incidentally, next time spell all right correctly. lol</p>

<p>Uber reach.</p>

<p>Your GPA is severely lacking and you’re not minority enough.</p>

<p>Looks like the gas station for u sorry to break it to u here</p>

<p>NOPE there is no chance you’ll make USC.
GL working at McDonald’s :D</p>

<p>come on guys! cant a guy get an honest chance without being called a ■■■■■? sheesh.</p>

<p>i’d say he MIGHT have a 10% chance of making it :-D</p>

<p>Maybe if you write a really good essay… but I’d still call it a reach. Try bumping up your ECs and maybe raising your SAT score</p>

<p>obv ■■■■■! :)</p>