OMG, I'm so not getting in. BOMBED SATs

<p>Asian Canadian (unhook?)</p>

<p>Yeah, I just got my SATs and I bombed it really hard. This was my last chance to write my SATs, so I'm royally screwed. ><
I got M760CR600W600, if I take my old CR620 from January, I get:
M760CR620W600, or a total of 1980.</p>

<p>I'm applying to Cornell Engineering, preferably Bioengineering, and possibly double major with applied math.</p>

<p>My SAT IIs were good, or semi good:

<p>I have already posted my other stuff before, so I'll just paraphrase a bit:
Did almost every math contest available except the USAMO (probably 10 major ones)
Member of Massey Ontario A ARML team (finished top 15 in North America)
Individual ARML questions: medallist
AMC 12: 123
Physics/Chemistry Contest: top 97% in the nation.</p>

<p>I have a few swimming club records, city champ, and southwestern ontario champ firsts. I qualified for Ontario High School Provincials Championships for all but grade9 in Open Division.</p>

<p>My essays will be on
how I started swimming and how I came to love it (I'll make this as untypical as possible.)
and how I cope with living alone (parents working elsewhere)
family income is very low, <$40000 after taxes, and we rent in 3 different cities, does this count as a hook?</p>

<p>Anyways, my detailed stats are in a thread that says I love Cornell a lot. Now, I'm so discouraged.</p>

<p>ok, one thing about SAT's, at ivies, they don't mean as much as was once thought...thats all i have to say</p>

<p>Why post this in more than one board?</p>

<p>at least he didn't do what other people do and copy and paste the message with a different college's name...he just left the name out all

<p>Dude, there's life after SAT.</p>

<p>Supposedly my friend called the admissions office, and they told her that they'd consider the fact that English isn't her first language when looking at her verbal and writing scores. (they were like 630, 620). I mean, if you don't know English all that well, what r you going to do? </p>

<pre><code> Even if English is your first language, as long as you are doing well in your classes overall, like A's, I'm sure all will be fine. Also, you should really consider having your English teacher write one of your letters of recommendation. I'm asking my math teacher to write me a rec, since I got a C in geometry sophomore year and I only got a 660 on 2C.... 800 reg math though... So, I mean, just make sure that you cover your shortfalls. Have good recs, good essays --> this especially will show that you really do know English. Sometimes SAT's format just isn't good at showing your true ability. Good Luck!

<p>Your SAT IIs are excellent. I think you have a good chance for engineering.</p>

<p>English was not my first language, but it is the language I know best. I came to North America when I was 8. I think it's just overall, I'm bad at languages. However, it shouldn't be that bad. I had like M800CR680W730 in practice. (Princeton Review book) Anyways, it's too late to take it again and I'll just try to make my essays really good. My teacher's recs are all done and given to guidance, so I can't just ask my English teacher for recs...</p>

<p>Also, I'm Asian male, so that makes my SAT score look really bad.</p>

<p>you are fine. your swimming thing will make sure you get in with flying colours. My hook is flying.</p>

<p>I'm writing my SATs again this Jan. I'm hoping for M800CR720W760. Last time, I didn't really know the grammar rules down pat, and the critical reading was done with no strategy and much confusion.</p>

<p>Wow... raise 300 points in one go? </p>

<p>I don't mean to insult you or anything, but personally I don't trust PR book tests - the scores you get on them are not very good indicators of how you'll do in the real thing.</p>

<p>Well in practice, I had like M800W730CR680, and I dunno what happened during the test. Oh well, I'm satisfied if I can raise both my CR and W marks 80 marks each and my math to 800</p>

<p>Wow, I checked on how many I got wrong. About the same as practices. I'm afraid of PR 11 tests book, so misleading -_-... How do you guys decide on the final two choices (once you've narrowed it down from five)? CR and W help!!!</p>