<p>ok so I applied for gender studies in cas..but on my application I put steinhert...will that affect my chances of getting in..I had accidently added steinhert on the drop down list while I was scrolling down....so Im not sure what college im being considered...do you think they will just reject me because it might go strait to steinherts admission comittee and they will see that I am actually applying for gender studies....omg..am i totally screwed?@!?!??!?!</p>
<p>lol if you just realized it then you're prolly screwed....cuz im sure they've already made their admissions decisions</p>
<p>Don't stress too much. Call them in the morning and see what can be done.</p>
<p>that's weird..because unless you used the common application the major that you choose coincides with the school that you pick..</p>