On-Campus Housing Waitlist

Is it usually rare for someone to find housing from the waitlist? My number is around 200.

From what I heard, it’s pretty unlikely to get on-campus housing as an upperclassmen, unless you have someone pull you into their dorm or you decide to do the transfer LLC. Many students simply live off-campus. Especially with Slusher Hall being demolished, I wouldn’t even bother with the list. Most of the spots are gonna go to freshman first and foremost.

I thought Slusher was staying open until they built a replacement beside it.

Yes, Slusher’s replacement/demolition is probably still a year or two away since they just approved money for the site plan back in the summer.


@ShenVal18 Ah okay. Thought they were demolishing it earlier.

Does anyone know a way to confirm that we were added to the waitlist for housing? Or like to check what number we are on the waitlist at least?

What do you do to apply for housing? (sorry I’m pretty confused)

Appears it works the same as with Freshman students for returning and transfer students. You need to go in and sign a housing contract to put your place in line. You can continue to visit the Starrez site to see the date it shows you signed contract which means the date you got on the waitlist.

Here is the info and steps (this is transfer info but applicable to all).:

Post if you have any other questions. There is also an email and phone number in the link above to contact Virginia Tech Housing directly with questions.

Here is the info for returning students - but it appears the deadline to apply as returning student is long passed (January 25th) for this year. Although it looks like there is waitlist signup after that deadline (but probably a long shot at that point).


Sounds like it is going to be hard to get off on campus housing waitlist. From email received today for my freshman - large 1st year class expected and they are even waiving requirement to live on campus freshman year to get volunteers to go off campus.

how do you know which number you are on the waitlist?

If you are on a housing waitlist - forget it. Doesn’t matter what number you are #1 is not getting off waitlist. They are overcommitted on housing. They are going to be offering incentives for non- freshman who are already confirmed to give up their on campus housing.

Ok…what if you were accepted to an LLC associated with a specific residence hall? Assume you are guaranteed housing in that hall?

Everyone is still guaranteed housing as freshman and I assume all in LLC

If you don’t receive an offer of invitation from the LLC’s by the 16th, you should start looking for off campus housing.

If you are not a freshman (such as a transfer) then I would not expect to see any further acceptances to on campus housing or LLC’s.

Looking off campus probably best

The Virginia Tech Off-Campus Housing (VTOCH) Office is an important campus resource; they will be glad to assist you in identifying non-university housing options within the community.? You can contact VTOCH by phone at 540.231.3466 or by email to vtoch@vt.edu. Their website is www.campuslife.vt.edu/vtoch.

Yup, just applied for the Transfer LLC and was waitlisted. So yeah, definitely do off-campus.