<p>What is the process of applying for on-campus housing? I have been accepted into Texas A&M but I haven't applied for housing yet. Should I apply pretty soon? Can anyone explain in-depth how the process works? I know there was a thread about how the UT process works and that was very helpful. Also, what are the good dorms with a reasonable price ($7000-$8500)?</p>
<p>Have you received your packet of admission in the mail yet? If not, that proceeds your online offer of admission by one to two weeks. It will contain a whole brochure on applying for on-campus housing. It has a mail-in form attached, or you can apply online. Apply as soon as you can after you get it to make sure you beat the rush in the next couple of months and get your first choice.</p>
<p>As far as recommendation for dorms, I’m not current enough to give you much of a recommendation. I lived in the Commons… 20 years ago. I enjoyed it then. I’ve heard they’re still nice today. My son is going into the Corps next year, so his choice of dorms was already made for him. No research needed there.</p>
<p>Thanks. Yeah, I received the packet in the mail. I read the information but I would think that online is better because its faster and it gets there instantly.</p>