On-line Accounting ---- WITH video lectures?????

I’m currently enrolled through Ashford online, which is not bad the problem, however, is I am having some difficulty l;earning straight from the book. Googling for answers ain’t turned nuttin up. :frowning: I’ve picked up more form the RogerCPA youtube vids than I have form just the book…

I have found some vidoes at Indiana U. [url=&lt;a href=“http://www.imds.iu.edu/imds/A200bb.shtml]IMDS[/url”&gt;http://www.imds.iu.edu/imds/A200bb.shtml]IMDS[/url</a>] (P200,W200,etc), which must be from their MBA program, as I do not see an accounting specific online degree program.

Does anyone know of an undergrad online accounting program that offers vidoe lectures that accompany the material?


Washington State University uses videos for accounting. I actually just dropped out of the program after realizing that accounting is not for me (WSU is a fine school though).


I am considering WSU accounting bachelor’s degree. What did you like the most and the least about WSU online?

Thank you.


I don’t understand how anyone could learn accounting online, to me it just seems to be something you have to learn in front of someone, in groups, tutoring, etc…