On track?

<p>Well after seeing multiple chance threads from others wondering if they have what it takes to get into NYU, I became curious if I was on track or had chances of getting into NYU after next year (I'm currently a junior)</p>

<p>Cumulative GPA: 3.87 (Weighted)
Current GPA (Jr. year) : 4.34</p>

<p>SAT I: 2070 (Math-630 Reading-710 Writing-730)
SAT II: Not yet taken (Planning on taking US History, Biology, Math II)</p>

<p>Class Rank: 63 out of 970</p>


<p>Freshman Yr.
-Adv. Algebra II/ Trig
-Adv. English I
-College Prep Biology
-French I
-Drama I
-Health/ Computers

-Math Analysis
-Adv. Trig
-Adv. English II
-College Prep Chemistry
-French II
-Drama II
-AP Euro (Scored 5 on AP Exam)

-AP English Language
-AP Biology
-AP US History
-French III
-Drama III
-Photography I</p>

<p>Sr. (anticipated)
-AP Stats
-AP English Lit.
-AP US Government
-AP French Language
-Drama IV
-Newspaper/ Yearbook

<p>Extra Curriculars:
Drama Club ( Freshman-Sr.) Pres, VP, Treasurer. Multiple Awards
Improv Club (Made finals in Statewide drama competition, placed 4th)
Various Community service clubs</p>

<p>Hometown: San Diego, CA</p>

<p>Anticipated school: CAS
Major: Sociology, Anthropology, Journalism, French, Italian, Psychology, Psychiatry (I really am undecided about what I want to do)</p>

<p>Other than that, I really don't have that much going for me, since I'm Caucasian and am from the average middle-class family, so let me know if you think I will have a shot. Thanks!</p>

<p>looks like you are on a good track! also, if you are interested in social work, you might want to apply to Silver w/in NYU (and also psychiatry would have to include a medical degree) :slight_smile:
if you dont mind me asking, what high school do you go to? I’m in san diego too- north county…
wait- do you go to CCA or SDA?</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice. Im actually in Riverside County but for reference its easier to say San Diego.</p>