I’m a sophomore in high school and really want to go to NYU. Do I have a chance? I want to major in either English or Film
My unweighted GPA is 3.9, my weighted is 4.46
My current rank is 24 out of 423
Pre HS:
Honors Algebra 1, Honors English 1
Freshman Year:
Honors Physical Science, Honors English 2, Honors Introduction to Engineering Design, Honors Principles of Engineering, AP Human Geography, CP Geometry, French 1
Sophomore Year (Current):
Honors English 3, Honors Algebra 2, Honors Biology 1, AP European History, Theatre 1, Theatre 2, Film Criticism, Journalism 1 (Yearbook)
Next Years Classes:
Honors Pre Cal, Honors Chemistry, AP Lit, AP US History, Sociology, Creative Writing, Journalism 2 (Yearbook), Theatre Design
French Club
Photography Club
Yearbook Staff
PSAT score: 1080
Thank you please be honest and tell me what I can do to improve my chances!
Hi there! I posted a thread exactly like this my sophomore year as well! I’m an applicant for NYU this year and I haven’t heard back yet, but I’d love to give you some advice anyways if that’s alright? (I’ve watched countless videos/articles about college admissions haha).
Your gpa is great–especially your honors classes and AP classes, and your ECs (photography and yearbook in specific) show a connection/passion. Also your class rank is fantastic-almost in the top 5%!!
Some advice from me would be to try to raise your SAT score. I know it’s only the PSAT, so you have some time to prepare! NYU’s average SAT is a 1410, which means the middle percent of applicants have a 1410. This doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get in with a lower score, just harder to do so.
I would highly recommend studying and taking the ACT! I found it much easier for me personally. I scored a 1310 on the SAT, but a 31 on the ACT. You still have so much time to do this though, and remember that scores aren’t everything! I’d also recommend running for leadership positions in your clubs and activities. Maybe you’ll be elected Pres., V.P., Treasurer, etc, maybe you won’t, but I highly encourage you to run and try to pick up some Leadership positions! 
Hopefully this wasn’t too long to read haha. You look like you’re doing a great job challenging yourself in high school! Keep it up and feel free to PM me for any advice! 
Thank you so much! I’ve been super stressed about college recently and your reply made me relax a little bit! I am actually hoping to be an editor of the yearbook my senior year and I’m taking the PACT on Wednesday. Would you happen to know anything about majoring/applying for film? I’ve heard it’s different than other majors (but TBH I’m not sure)
develop some leadership positions in your ECs; demonstrate some interest on social media ; study hard for the SAT and knock it outta the park
@ria207912 Sorry, I don’t know very much about the film majors or any of the Tisch programs, I applied to Steinhardt. I would definitely recommend looking up YouTube videos about the application process for Tisch though! I’m sure there’s plenty. 
I’m glad my reply was able to give you a little ease of mind! Do your best and give it your all for the rest of your high school career, but don’t let the stress of college and college applications take over! Best of luck on the PACT!