Once Upon a River - June CC Book Club Selection

Terrific. Works for me!

Sounds wonderful. I will scope out the book exchange on the ship and maybe get lucky again.

Great! Looking forward to it!

So what are other people reading?

I spent way too much time last month reading The Mueller Report. I read every word of it, and think it should be required reading, but I will confess to doing the happy dance every time I got to a large redacted bit!

As an antidote when I was done, I started (re)reading the first volume of Madeleine L’Engle’s Crosswick Journals her musings on country life, writing and religion/spirituality. Mary, if you haven’t read them, I think you would really enjoy them. I am not a believer, and L’Engle is not quite sure either, but she has many reasons to love the Episcopal Church and is eloquent on the subject.

For fiction, I’m reading Neogenesis which is one of the latest in a long running sci-fi series by husband and wife team Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. They’ve created a wonderful universe with some interesting characters, though I think their earlier books were stronger than the latest ones.

I’m not currently reading (audiobooks) anything, although I keep adding titles to my queue.

I’ve been listening to music or podcasts lately. Very busy with work & fighting back the jungle in my yard!

So many books! So little time!

“Alice Network” - recommend based on female resistance fighters during Ww1 and Ww2

“The Yiddish Policmens Union” librarian highly recommended my first Michael Chabon- clever concept - But became weary of Chabon’s writing style, especially after Setterfiled.

“Sapiens- a brief History of Human Kind” - Yuval Noah Harari
why ? This one? A friend kept texting me about this, frankly, it’s a text book, not quite leisure reading, ended up skimming for content,

Waiting at the library Setterfield’s 13th tale - curious to reread this a dozen ? Years later ?

My mother loved Michael Chabon’s Summerland his fantasy using Norse and Native American myths and baseball saves the world. I, OTOH, hated it.

I will try to join the August discussion but it looks unlikely. We have a family reunion planned later this summer and I won’t have much time to read because of all that I need to do before the visit. Our last reunion ended with half the people getting the flu so I’m really hoping this one will be a bit more fun.

Meanwhile, I was able to read Educated just before I left on my trip (luckily as it turned out). It is well worth the wait. That’s all I’ll say in case we decide to pick it for a future discussion.
A few ebooks just came off the waitlist during my trip but our library website was blocked in the country where I was traveling?
And of course, I’m way down in the waitlists now.

I’m now on the non-vacation end of my trip, accompanying DH on his work trip and using the opportunity to meet and spend time with family and old school friends. Better WiFi but not much time.
I really enjoyed the discussion on OUaR but feel bad that I couldn’t contribute much due to all the connection problems. I learned a lot from all of you and your posts and informative links. It takes my appreciation of the book to the next level.

@Mary13 , thanks for that choice; I’m looking forward to it. Amazon Prime members … you can read it for free on your kindle or kindle app. (So I’ve got the book already!)

What else I’ve been reading: The Overstory, linked short stories that have trees in common – quite amazing, honestly! Never read anything quite like it. I’m also (audio) reading The Echo Maker by the same author, Richard Powers; it doesn’t have nearly the same hold on my mind.

Just starting Someone by Alice McDermott. It reads like autobiography, but it’s finely told and deeply imagined fiction. I’m deeply drawn in already.

Just finished Normal People by Sally Rooney. Guess I am the wrong generation for it, but it’s good to see what the young’uns are up to.

Just finished The Summer Before the War by Simonson. I enjoyed it very much. I’m going to put Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand on my list.

Just started Victoria by Daisy Goodwin. So far I love it. Very engaging.

@jollymama how did you get it free on Amazon Prime? I am not seeing a free option.

As I’ve noted earlier, I got the book last month from Amazon for free. I just checked my account, and it said I got it through my Prime Reading membership. That is not anything I’ve paid for! Try putting “Prime Reading” in your Amazon search box.

They refresh the list each month and I think you can only borrow one book at a time.

@Singersmom07, The Weight of Ink doesn’t seem to be available anymore to borrow through Prime Reading. If it were, it would show as $0 (as you would see, for example, if you select The Handmaid’s Tale or The Song of Achilles, two of the selections currently on the free Prime Reading list).

@Singersmom07 , ^ that seems to be right; when I look at that book on Amazon, I see a button that says “read now” and under it, “You already borrowed this item. Read anytime on your Kindle apps and devices.” Though it seems I’ve borrowed other books via Prime Reading, too, and still have them. (Hoarder of books of all kinds, apparently.) I didn’t realize it was a limited-time opportunity.

Oh! I just borrowed Song of Achilles, too, 'cause why not? And I got this message: “You can keep up to 10 titles at a time. You can always get another by returning one that you currently have.” Sorry to sound like an Amazon ad, but this seems like a good deal to me.

I reserved it at my library today. They told me they’re holding it at the circulation desk. I’ll pick it up tomorrow.


I’m #1 in the reserve line for the Aug book. I may have to decline and go back in line if I can’t get it before I travel.

Our library system has 33 copies and I’m number 9 on the waiting list, I imagine I’ll get it in a couple of weeks. If not I’ll buy a copy. I’ve got plenty to read in the meantime!

I must be prescient! I reserved the Weight of Ink from my library 2 weeks ago after @Marilyn mentioned it in the beginning of this thread because it sounded so intriguing.

Hey, just my luck! I would have cast my vote for “The Weight of Ink” if I’d been on this thread a couple of days ago, but you all picked it anyway!! It’s a fall selection for my RL Book Club, so two birds; one stone, etc.!! And it’s already on my Kindle – I think I got it a while ago at a sale price.

I’ve read “Where the Crawdads Sing” and “Educated” for the above mentioned RL Book Club – enjoyed them both. Both these books are also on the list for my Books on the Beach group that meets during July and August. (I hope I remember enough to join the discussion!)

As always, thanks to @Mary13 for being our fearless leader here!