One of the best books I've read in the last 6 months is . .

@Consolation I have a similar virtual interview with Emily St John Mandel. :slight_smile:

Try Dear Edward by Ann Napolitino. Story of a boy who is only survivor of a plane crash. Quirky. Well-told.

@surfcity I would love to have BOTH links!

Yesterday I started reading essays on Mandelā€™s website. :smile:

@surfcity Yes, please, I would also love both links! I have been enjoying many virtual author visits provided by various indie bookstores since the shutdown has prevented the series of in-person talks hosted by my local library system and JCC.

Is anyone watching the series made from the book Barkskins? I really liked the book and so far am enjoying the series. Itā€™s on Nat Geo.

On 3/11, I posted that I was reading this great book called The Warmth of Other Suns. Iā€™m so glad I read it when I read it.

As an immigrant from another country, I never really knew about African-American peopleā€™s history and experience in America. I mean, I knew about the general stuff on the news and movies, but never really knew how and why.

I want to read and learn more about this topic especially now.

I check this thread for suggestions and enjoyed Dark Matter by Blake Couch.

I read on a Kindle and was waiting for Recursion to drop in price. Itā€™s $2.99 on Amazon, after being $12.99 for a long timeā€¦just wanted to share.

Just finished Emma Straubā€™s All Adults Here and was a little disappointed.

l really loved one of her previous books, The Vacationers, but didnā€™t think this was as good. Maybe itā€™s because I recently read Olive Again, and the portrait of the older woman whoā€™s the protagonist in All Adults Here isnā€™t as raw and real to me.

Thank you to whoever suggested Year of Wonders, a beautifully written historical fiction about the 1666 plague. An uplifting book despite the difficult topic. A very quick read as well.

@calla1 ā€“ yes, I really enjoyed it too!

I wish I could get to 50 books a year!!! It would help clear out my to-read shelf, which I recently had to expand to two shelves. At my current pace, I have enough unread books to last 3 years. And of course, Iā€™ll keep buying new books by favored authors, and picking up older books of authors I like but havenā€™t exhausted their output.

My reading habits are that I canā€™t really settle into a habitual routine. Sometimes, Iā€™ll read three books in a month, spending every spare moment with my nose in a book. Other times, Iā€™ll be lucky to read 50 pages in two months. I usually get through 20-30 books a year, but itā€™s not a steady flow.

I think I suggested Year of Wonders - it is a book I frequently recommend (even before the pandemic)- donā€™t know anybody who hasnā€™t liked it.

@AlmostThere2018 I am about 2/3 through All Adults Here. I have not read any of her other books but had a copy of this available to read so I started it. Itā€™s an interesting structure, rotating POVs. To me itā€™s a bit light, but no great literature. Are there other books of hers you recommend.

@surfcity ā€“ I liked her book The Vacationers much more. Similar in that itā€™s a story about a family but just found it more real than All Adults Here.

The book by Straub I liked the most was Modern Lovers - I thought it captured the changes in Brooklyn really well. They are all pleasant enough light reads.

Interestingly, I think I read Modern Lovers and the Vacationers around the same time, but I had to google to check if I read the latter, because I didnā€™t remember anything about it. I did like ML. Her stuff is basically well-written, but on the light-ish side of literary reading. Good summer books.

I had to read this line twiceā€¦then I got what you meant :slight_smile:

I read a lot including popular fiction. I really enjoyed Jennifer Weinerā€™s ā€œBig Summerā€. Currently trying to get into ā€œRodhamā€ by Curtis Sittenfeld - Iā€™m only about 40 pages in and so far it is pretty ā€œmehā€. Iā€™ll give it maybe 50-60 more pages.

I have personal dislike of fiction written about actual people, especially living ones, so Iā€™m giving that a pass. To be honest, I have not been able to get through anything of Sittenfeldā€™s.

.I read her first book - Prep - and was underwhelmed. I think that making fiction about living people feels icky.

I wasnā€™t thrilled with ā€œPrepā€ and havenā€™t read anything else by Sittenfeld since.

I read more of Rodham this evening, itā€™s OK, Iā€™ll probably finish it, but underwhelmed. I read it on the recommendation of my sister and am honestly surprised that she liked it.