One of the best books I've read in the last 6 months is . .

I use the Libby app all the time! When it comes time to download the book, it asks which device you are using (I think mine lists at least four because my husband and I are both on our second kindles) and then sends it to only that device.

My only issue with Libby is that there is often a long wait for the popular books. I’ve sometimes had more than five books on “hold”, and then they all seem to come at once! (You can then push off the loan for anywhere from a week to 27 days, if I remember correctly.)


I keep track of authors I like and when they’re going to release their next books. I’ll check Libby to see if the book has been added as a “coming soon” and I’ll place a hold. If it’s In Libby, but not ordered by the library, I’ll recommend it. If the library decides to order it, it becomes an auto hold. Both ways I’ve been able to get high up on the list, often in the top few.

Kirkus and Pub Weekly reviews help as well.

I also have a wish list on the app and review it when I’m in the app. Very often a much-wanted book is available and I can grab it.


New York Times story on 25 significant NYC novels of the past 100 years. The Invisible Man and The Street are in there, along with Ragtime and Bright Lights, Big City … plus many that I want to add to my reading list.

(Hope everybody can see the attached article, which I “gave” from my subscription.)


Thanks @jollymama ! I love reading and NYC, have read many of these and put a few on my want to read list.

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Excited to learn about Lobster Chronicles! Started teading her first book in the Admissions office at Colby College and ended up buying it. Will have to read that!

Am currently on a short story/essay kick and have David Sedaris’ new book on the way – having finished Julie Hecht’s Do the Windows Open? Love those ones that make me laugh out loud, and these do.


I can’t believe there’s another Julie Hecht fan here. She is on my list of writers who should be better known. I treasure my hardcover copy of The Unprofessionals.

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I need to get that one. Her books make me feel compelled to read excerpts aloud to whomever I am with. So obnoxious of me, but I can’t help myself!

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We are kindred spirits! I do the same thing which drives my husband nuts. :laughing:

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Interesting list. I hadn’t heard of quite a few of those. A few I’ve meant to read and haven’t. The only ones I’d actually read.

Harriet the Spy (I loved that they included this.)
The Street (Thanks CC bookclub. This was unrelentingly depressing.)
Ragtime (An old favorite, though I’m put off by the lack of quotation marks and the namelessness of some of the characters.)
Watchmen (Which would never have occured to me as a NYC based book.)


I smiled when I got to #25 on the NYC list, Harriet the Spy. There were a few years when my kids were in elementary school when I’d read books they liked… and this was one I really enjoyed.


I read Harriet the Spy and the others by Louise Fitzhugh when I was a child.
Missing From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs Basil E Frankwieler, though. If there were ever books that made me want to visit NYC, those two would be it.


I LOVED Mixed Up Files…


I sent the NYC list to my daughter, noting that Harriet the Spy was #25. She replied that a better choice would be From the Mixed Up FIles of Ms Basil E Frankenweiler. I agree!


My favorite NYC novel is Time and Again by Jack Finney. Any other fans?


Thanks for that suggestion! I read Time and Again years ago and liked it a lot, will have to find again.

I finished this thought provoking book today. I think it was recommended here - thanks.


Colorado_mom - I’ve heard so many people recommend that! I’ve heard Chanel Miller interviewed and she’s very eloquent. I’ll try to read on an upcoming vacation!

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Good book, but serious topic… might not be the best choice for vacation.

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Hmm…good point! I feel like I don’t have time to read during non-vacation periods - but if I stayed off Instagram & FB & CC maybe I’d have time! LOL :rofl:

(appreciate the thought!)

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I’m currently reading Finding Me by Viola Davis. I think I saw it recommended here? Wow! What a life she rose out of and the lessons she’s learned from it.