One of the best books I've read in the last 6 months is . .

Just finished Barbara Kingsolver’s “Demon Copperhead”. It’s a re-telling of David Copperfield set in Southwest Virginia. It was kind of bleak at times but she has a strong sense of place and strong voices for her characters that shone through the hardships. Overall two thumbs up.


I have it from the library, but my reserve came through when I already had the new Andrew Sean Greer, Less is Lost, plus the new Ann Tyler, so I have got to read FAST to get to it.

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I’d forgotten there’s a new Anne Tyler. I should put a hold on it at the library. I need something more fun to read than what I am reading now.


Do folks already know this? I recently figured out that if I’m reading a Kindle book that’s almost due (Overdrive/Libby), I can put the Kindle in airplane mode and finish. If I don’t connect to the internet, the library can’t suck the book back-- though I assume they can declare my loan “done” and put the book back in circulation. Whew, that has helped me a few times now!


I always do this. As soon as I download a book (through Libby) I put my Kindle on airplane mode until I’m done with it. It often takes me longer than the original loan period to read a book so I appreciate this - also the battery lasts longer before needing charged!


Just finished Cloud Cuckoo Land and thought it was one of the best books I have read in a long time. My book group also really liked it. It was weirdly compelling, and masterfully done in MHO, weaving stories from three distinct periods of time together.


I enjoyed it a lot as well. There was one thing that really bothered me during the first part of the book that ended up getting explained. Phew!

was it the ant? :grinning:

It was before the ant, but yes, essentially. :grin:

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I just finished Mary Robinette Kowal’s The Spare Man. Imagine The Thin Man in space. There’s plenty of drinking (including cocktail recipes both with and without alcohol as headers for each chapter.) There’s an adorable service dog (a Westie not a schnauzer as in the book or a fox terrier as in the movie) named Gimlet. There’s a wise-cracking lawyer (on an 8 minute and rising phone delay) who reminds me of Chrisjen Avasarala from The Expanse. There’s a lot of dead bodies. As is common in all of Kowal’s recent books the heroine has some sort of medical problem - this time PTSD that causes panic attacks, as well as chronic pain from an industrial accident. I’m not a huge mystery fan, but it was a fun read.


I have never heard of that but as a Thin Man fan, I need to check it out.


Breaking the title of this thread because I HAVEN’T read this yet, but am wondering if anyone has:

Here is an excerpt of sorts:


That is hilarious and it is where I am in life! She is the modern day Nora Ephron.


“I’m tunic years old!” :joy:

This was a fantastic, fun read for this poster who was “born before 1980”. :heart_eyes:

Thanks for sharing it @abasket.


I read the McSweeneys but haven’t seen the book yet.

And yes. Tunics are my life. Along with long, lightweight sweaters (cardigans to be exact.)

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Everything in my life is a shade of beige now, even my house.


Best thing I’ve read this week and I’m reading a David Seders book right now, so that says something :wink:

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My husband is also reading it and he keeps laughing out loud and waking me up :slight_smile:

Correction: I meant modern day Erma Bombeck!

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I just finished Anne Tyler’s French Braid and thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought it was one of her best in years.