One of the best books I've read in the last 6 months is . .

I went to a tribute and fundraiser for her daughter’s college fund a few months after she passed away. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house after her daughter performed with her elementary school recorder ensemble. Here’s a brief item from The NY Times TimesMachine: CHRONICLE -

@silverlady and anyone else with a small library … Did you know you can get access to books at the Brooklyn Public Library and the Fairfax Va. library system? For a modest fee, I think about $30 to $50 a year, you can check out their ebooks through Overdrive or Libby. These have both been a wonderful lifeline to me, especially during the pandemic.


Thanks @Jollymoma. I will look into it. I do have access to the entire state’s public library’s system. However, sometimes they don’t even have some of the authors that are mentioned. I would rather read a real book, but I may have to change my ways. During the pandemic there was a group of us who were sharing books. Our library was closed for months. (Don’t get me started.) Books have given me pleasure since I have been a little girl. I really love this thread as it has opened my eyes to different authors. So, thank you everyone for sharing your good books.


I’ve hit the reading mother lode here recently. Now reading The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot and it is wonderful.


Loved one hundred years of lenni and margot - I highly recommend

Definitely the best book I read in the last 12 months. And I read several I enjoyed very much!

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Just requested from my library. And it was available! I love reading books suggested here.


Those who read The Book of Names novel might want to see the story of this similar real life hero opposing the Nazis.

Traute Lafrenz, Last Survivor of Anti-Hitler Group, Dies at 103


thanks for that recommendation! I just finished Vintage Contemporaries and loved it Really appreciated the LC connection.

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Dan Kois also wrote How To Be A Family, a memoir about taking his kids out of school and traveling the world with his family for a year. They lived in four different countries. Highly recommend!!


Update: Oh wow! I loved The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot.


A friend recommended Babel, but at 500+ pages I am a little intimdated! It is in the NPR book selection app, though (which is where I find things)

Just finished Katherine Schulz’s Lost & Found. Despite all the glowing cover blurbs, I was bored about 2/3rds through, and disappointed. My birthday is coming very soon and DH asked me to “please don’t get any books” until then so I am rereading random bits until then!

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I have to say that is one benefit of e-books to me. I never know how “big” a book is because I never see it, and I never check how far along I am. The downside is that often my loan expires before I can finish a “bigger” book, but I just re-up or get back in line.


I download the ebooks on Kindle and then turn it to airplane mode. The library thinks you returned it but you still have it until you turn airplane mode off.


Thanks all for the tip on West With Giraffes. It was free with Prime and I devoured it in 2 days. Like Lincoln Highway in the opposite direction :books:.


Ha, I remember thinking the same thing. I liked West with Giraffes better. (Read on vacation and had it delivered to a friend for her birthday - she loved. it too). But they were both good books.

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Oh, boy. Remember we discussed at length the Brock Turner rape trial? The victim’s book “Know My Name”. Wow. Every teenager in America should be made to read it. Indeed, every adult should. It is truly amazing.


Yea, that was an excellent and thought provoking book. I don’t read a lot of non-fiction but intend to do more.

Me too, ignatius! Looking forward to All the Sinners Bleed.

And yes - I know this is an old post.


Hi Scout …

Did you read S.A. Cosby’s My Darkest Prayer? It was his first book, now reprinted. I’ve got it waiting for me at the library. I’m curious but as I’ve said I’ll read anything Cosby writes.

I always think of you when this comes out …