One of those Days

<p>No, not one of those days where everything has gone wrong and you feel like ****buckets. But not one of those days that was just AMAZING either. They are High School days where its just dull/exhausting/whyamIdoingthisagain? </p>

<p>I like my sleep. I go to bed around 9:30-10pm willingly or else I am Medusa in the morning. I ended up stayed up to 12am to finish this project that my anal Algebra 2 Gifted Teacher assigned for Extra Credit. Of course being sick my coughing kept me up till 2am....I've been determined to get an A.....but I'm afraid that by finishing an optional project she might not even take because of some information, and there was a Test today which I know I did not do good on. And our only grades are her tests and quizzes, so I can't wait to see my High B plummet. I was so tired and so many coughing fits today that I tried to curl up and die during lunch (xD). And a nosebleed during that math test. Hurrah. And then there's Chemistry Gifted, another class I wanted to bring up an A in. After turning in the millionth lab report today that I had put in so much effort for, I'm wondering about the Section Review also due that was more to the side and a hellava lot less effort in. Labs are 30% or your grade, Homework 17%. So nothing bad happened, but who knows? </p>

<p>Anyone else have one of these draggy days where you just feel pessimistic about every little thing?</p>

<p>yes. you’re not the only one…i’m sure we all have those days once in awhile</p>

<p>I’m having a pretty horrible day today. You’re not alone.</p>