One Trimester Later: An Update From A Certain Knox College Freshman

<p>Wow. 20+ people try to tell you that your video does not portray you in the most positive light (and we are not talking about the purposeful attempt on your part to be over the top) and you latch onto one poster who pm’d you that they liked your video.</p>

<p>Not clear how that connects to your response to me, ec- as its unclear if your last sentence was flippant or sincere. But if you want to leave that video up, thats your choice. If you are proud of the light in which it portrays you, thats your decision. But if you hope to have more polished (less awkward) social skills, please PLEASE contact your counseling center and use their services. The first step to fixing a problem is recognizing that there is one.</p>

<p>EC, I am so glad you took my comments in the gentle way I intended.</p>

<p>But please listen to ALL of us telling you that you need to work on your social skills so that others can discover the nice, friendly, caring person that is hiding behind that obnoxious big personality.</p>

<p>After seeing your video, and after reading your comments on various threads, and considering your pride in your “big personality”–I almost get the feeling that your treat your interactions with others on campus as if you are in a constant audiition for some unseen big role…like you are looking to be the BMOC in the campus drama. </p>

<p>My guess is that the other students on campus aren’t reading the same script that’s going on in your head, that they don’t have a clue they have been scripted in to your interior drama…while you are starring in the reality show taking part inside your head…and so you aren’t connecting with them in real life, where they are.</p>

<p>Maybe you should take your drama skills and pretend you are on a show where you are responsible for interviewing and learning about the people you encounter on campus.
Give yourself extra points if you can avoid talking about yourself or exhibiting your big personality while you are “interviewing” your campus mates.</p>

<p>And please, please, please…get the help you need while it’s free and easily accessible on campus.</p>

<p>If you don’t get the help now, when you graduate (from wherever) and are in the real world, your social problems on campus will pale in comparison to the effect they will have on your professional and other facets of adult life.</p>

<p>She is wrong that is why she PM it. You have 20 people on this thread telling you to take the video down. Many more like me that were just trying to ignore it. </p>

<p>Do not get distracted from jym’s main advice -go to counseling at Knox. Also you need to be much more grateful and respectful to people that try to help you. If you don’t, your life will be more unhappy and lonely.</p>

<p>Great advice from boysx3. Start changing by listening and reflecting on these wise words from caring posters. Then get counseling at Knox.</p>


<p>Another click of the mouse brings us to an article from your very own school newspaper, “the Knox Student”, with a large article about your facebook page. Someone posted (after the article) that you had “declared yourself a clique” and then ended with “all hail the freshman king”. Please think about what they are saying. And they didn’t “pre-judge you”, as you are quoted in the first article (which I am not linking here as it is way to revealing) they formed an impression based on how YOU presented yourself on that forum.</p>

<p>And yet another article in the Knox Student appeared as well-- Was your facebook group the one that got infiltrated by a ■■■■■ that turned out not to be students at all, but rather a gay model from the Phillipines with a fake facebook name and account? That must have been interesting!! [Fake</a> Facebook accounts pose as incoming Knox students](<a href=“]Fake”></p>


Hmmm… here’s a thought. Has that parent who PM’ed you posted front channel at all in this thread, or anywhere on cc?Another possibility as to why this one parent pm’d you is that it might be someone who was previously banned and cannot post front channel. Wonder if she happens to be from Kansas… Just wondering…</p>

<p>It is rare that so many posters universally agree on any one issue in any thread. Please, e-c, take that to heart.</p>

<p>My last sentence was sincere Jym. I recognize that I do not fit in at Knox and that there is a social problem. But like I’ve said in the past posts, once I entered Knox, I was not obnoxious and not over the top. I can totally admit when I am, but at Knox, I just haven’t been like that. Yes, before on the group, I may have came across that way, but once I was at Knox, I did not. When people are constantly talking about you, one tends to isolate themselves and that’s what I did to a degree. Yes, I do have a big personality, but that wasn’t shown at my time at Knox. People from high school would be shocked on how I was there at times. I do not know how many times I have to stress that. </p>

<p>There is something at Knox called Post Secret. It’s when you post secrets/pictures about various people, events, things, etc. I posted a picture of myself that said, “Do not judge him before you get to know him.” It got over 23 likes and a girl even commented, “This is very true. Early_College is a super fun person with an amazing personality.” So, a lot of people do agree with me on that.</p>

<p>I never posted the video on CC. Someone found it and then more CCers did. I never asked for advice on that topic. I was attacked by nysmile. I never even posted the video on Youtube. If you look at who posted it, is surely isn’t me. The reason we posted it on youtube to begin with was because it wasn’t uploading to facebook for some reason. Also, I tried tweeting the video to a couple Survivor Gueros in hopes that it would go viral. So by leaving it up, more people will see it, and when people will see it, they tell their friends about it, and sooner or later it will be on the casting director’s radar. </p>

<p>The most negative comments I’ve personally have heard about the video is on CC. I have watched it hundreds of times (just did again), and I don’t see a thing wrong with it. Yes, some lines are risqu</p>

<p>^^^ Everything jym says. Great advice.</p>