<p>I can't seem to fit everything I'd like to take this year (Junior Year) into my regular school schedule. Has anyone ever heard of a student being allowed to take an extra course or two on their own time outside of the regular school day without taking up a slot in their normal high school schedule?</p>
<p>Yes, my school allowed me to this last year and I hope to do the same again this year.</p>
<p>My school has let me study classes on my own and test out of them for credit. I’d be allowed to do online classes if I wanted to, but I don’t.</p>
<p>Okay, as long as it’s been done before at least I’ll be confident that I’m not being unreasonable or anything. I’ll probably have to talk to my counselor, but when she isn’t sure whether something is allowed or has been done before she just says no to the kid.</p>
<p>My school has a written-out policy in the student handbook describing ways you can get credit other than sitting in a class. I’m sure it’s been done before in some way.</p>