Online Dictionary vs. Book Dictionary

<p>I know that all of you have taken a foreign language course before where you had to look up new vocab words. All the students in my class use online dictionaries. They make fun of me for "wasting my time," when I use a book dictionary. Sure, I have internet access, but aren't book dictionaries more concise? I might be wrong.</p>

<p>What do you mean by “more concise”? Don’t you want as many definitions as possible? Online dictionaries are faster and they give more information. I use my book dictionary every once in a while because my edition has great cultural notes in it. But it’s really a lot slower than using an online dictionary, and it also doesn’t give as much leeway with spelling.</p>

<p>what I kind of meant is like using online translator for translating texts or write short paragraphs for a foreign language class. I once used the translator for homework and got nearly everything wrong.</p>

<p>Oh, well, that’s just dumb. I thought you were talking about an online dictionary where you look up one word. The translators are not a good idea.</p>