Online Status check of Application- UF ID issued

<p>Each day I check online the status of S application and each day it reads the same...Admissions has done a preliminary review etc etc etc.</p>

<p>Each day the UF ID field is blank.</p>

<p>Today the field shows an ID number which has been assigned S. Does this mean anything?
Do they only assign ID numbers to accepted students? </p>

<p>Or does it just mean that the app has moved to a different level of review?</p>

<p>thanks for any input.</p>

<p>Not sure as my d’s always had a UF ID listed. She was told to include this ID on her application. She had been invited to an honors weekend over the summer, and eventhough she couldn’t go because of a 200 person cap and we weren’t fast enough in responding, she was still told she should use this ID when applying. So, it’s always been there …</p>



<p>the change caught my eye…but I figured out that the ID# has nothing to do w/ acceptance/rejection.</p>

<p>Is the notification date 2/13? S missed getting the app in for early decision by a couple of days.</p>

Yes, notification is 2/13, after 5pm I believe. From what I understand there was no early decision this year. We’ll all be hearing at the same time.</p>


<p>oh ok. didn’t know that.</p>

<p>I guess I’l stop looking each day. lol</p>

<p>jdjaguar: If your son missed the November 1st priority deadline, he may NOT have a decision on February 13th. FYI</p>

<p>[University</a> of Florida - Admissions](<a href=“]University”>Freshman - How To Apply - University of Florida)</p>

<p>really? well…probably a moot point anyway.</p>

<p>UF was one of his safeties.</p>

<p>thanks for the info.</p>

<p>Hey zebes
I went to the Outstanding High School Scholars thing over the summer too. Does using that application ID give us a sort of leg-up (no matter how small) in the competition? That’s kinda what I thought they meant but I wasn’t sure.</p>

<p>destiny, </p>

<p>I have no idea, but we were told to use it, and I wasn’t going to argue with them. :)</p>
